
xiāng tán
  • local dialect
乡谈 [xiāng tán]
  • [local dialect] 指家乡话;方言土语

乡谈[xiāng tán]
  1. 二人打起乡谈,十分投机。

    Lapsing into their local dialect , the two of them began to talk amicably .

  2. 虽然离家多年,可小王依然喜欢用乡谈讲话。

    Though having left his hometown for many years , Xiao Wang still likes to speak his local dialect .

  3. 我们各人,怎样听见他们说我们生来所用的乡谈呢。

    And how hear we every man in our own tongue , wherein we were born ?

  4. 克里特和阿拉伯人,都听见他们用我们的乡谈,讲说神的大能作为。

    Cretes and Arabians , we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God .

  5. 本文认为,乡音乡谈出现在废名的作品中是时势使然,无可非议。

    The writer holds that the colloqualism and reginal dialects in Fei Ming 's works just result form to the trend of the time and gives no cause for criticism .