
shì qián
  • in advance;beforehand;before the event
事前 [shì qián]
  • [in advance] 事情发生之前,也指事情处理、了结之前

  • 事前跟人商量

事前[shì qián]
  1. 事前看不清楚,事后可以大致看清的人生轨迹。

    It is various life orbit that can not be observe clearly before the event happen , but after .

  2. 如何寻求有效的监督,可以从三个方面入手:事前监督、事中监督、事后监督。

    Effective supervision can begin with the following steps : supervision before the event , at present and after the event .

  3. 他要辞职一事保守得很严密,事前只有利维斯知道。

    His resignation was such a well-kept secret that only Leavis knew about it in advance .

  4. 尽管事前做了很多宣传,这出戏还是失败了。

    Despite the big buildup , the play was a failure .

  5. 事前要慎重考虑,免得发生问题时没抓挠。

    Think things over well beforehand and be prepared for all eventualities .

  6. 他宣称,这次出奔是由于他自己的意思,希特勒事前并不知情。

    He declares that this escapade is his own idea and that Hitler was unaware of it beforehand .

  7. 你这是事后聪明,事前可不聪明。

    You are more after-wise rather than wise .

  8. 汾河二库碾压混凝土VC值的事前控制

    Prior Control of VC Value of Roller Compacted Concrete , Fenhe Reservoir ⅱ

  9. 在建立GM(1,1)模型时,应进行事前的光滑性检验。

    And a prior smoothness test should be given for GM ( 1,1 ) modelling .

  10. 为了避免盲目,请确保在采用Ajax之前对潜在的问题领域有全面的事前规划。

    To avoid being blindsided , be sure to apply ample forethought to the potential problem areas before taking the Ajax plunge .

  11. 根据大多数的规则,警察不能通过在此之后的逮捕合理化来保护其自身,其减少了事前限制(priorrestraint)和观点歧视(viewpointdiscrimination)。

    Under the majority 's rule , the police cannot protect themselves through post-hoc rationalizations for arrests , which lessens prior restraint and viewpoint discrimination concerns .

  12. TQM的特色反映在事前管理,防患于未然。

    The feature of TQM is " Management in advance , prevention before troubles occur " .

  13. 后见之明偏差也被称为事后聪明式偏差(hindsightbias)是指在事后看待事件结果时,会觉得事件结果比事前预测时更不可避免、更容易预见的倾向。

    Hindsight bias is a tendency to view event outcomes in hindsight as more inevitable or foreseeable than they appeared in foresight .

  14. 对湖北省有关妇女NGO组织的调查表明,其社会救助机制主要包括:事前预防机制、事中协调机制和事后救助机制。

    The investigation towards women NGO in Hubei Province shows that its social assistance mechanism consists of pre-prevention mechanism , middle coordinating mechanism and post-assistance mechanism .

  15. 如果事前收集了测试数据,这就确保了QA生命周期不会因为在特定测试周期中数据可能不可用而受到干扰。

    If the test data is gathered before hand it ensures the QA life cycle will be not be disrupted with the possibility that data is unavailable for certain test cycles .

  16. 通过渣油加氢脱硫(HDS)中试装置实测数据,对渣油HDS反应集总动力学进行事前模拟。

    Based on the data of residual oil HDS reaction in pilot plant , the lumping kinetic of residual oil HDS reaction was researched by means of prior simulation .

  17. 财务管理模块作为ERP系统的中枢,通过与企业的生产模块、销售模块、采购模块、库存模块、人力模块的集成,实时采集企业信息,对企业的经营活动进行有效的事前预算与事中控制。

    As the center of ERP system , financial management module integrates the production module , sales module , purchasing module , inventory module and human modules together , collects enterprise information on time , so the pre-budget and matter of control in business activities are effective .

  18. 建议山东TY集团可通过事前预防、事中管理、事后控制三个过程的动态结合,使人才的流失率控制在合理的范围内。

    It Recommends Shandong TY Group by preventing a matter of management in advance , after controlling the dynamic combination of three processes , so that the brain drain rate is controlled within a reasonable rage .

  19. 并通过在HT大厦建设项目管理中的实际应用,得出将FMEA应用于项目风险管理中可有效地达到事前预防的目的,并能降低项目风险,提高项目成功率。

    Also , through the application in HT mansion construction , it is proved that applying FMEA to Project Risk Management can prevent the risks effectively in advance , decrease project risks , and increase the success rate of the project .

  20. 健康、安全和环境(简称HSE)管理体系是一种基于事前风险分析的现代安全管理模式,它的推广和应用对于保证石油工业安全生产起到了重要作用。

    The health , safety and environment ( i.e. HSE ) management system is a kind of modern safety control pattern based on the beforehand risk analysis , its promotion and application has made a vital effect on guaranteeing oil industry safety production .

  21. 第四章在对我国证券交易市场操纵行为的原因与特点进行分析之后,基于事前预防的考虑,着力研究操纵行为的预防与监管机制;

    Chapter IV will deal with the preventive mechanism of manipulation .

  22. 关于硝酸铵爆炸事前评价的探讨

    Discussion on the Prior Evaluation of the Explosion of Ammonium Nitrate

  23. 这些项目进一步证明事前土壤准备的价值。

    These projects continually affirm the value of advanced soil preparation .

  24. 预防教育不象思想政治教育中的其它教育,它是一种事前教育而不是事后教育。

    It is not like other education beforehand not education afterwards .

  25. 科技评价定量指标体系&工程技术项目的事前评价

    On the Quantitative Scientific Evaluation & Pre-evaluation of the Engineering Techniques

  26. 不可能想象,事前他会一直蒙在鼓里。

    I could not imagine that he had had no warning .

  27. 他们事前已得到将有暴风雨的消息。

    They have got advance information of the storm 's approach .

  28. 此外,我们还能通过事前准备来让自己表现得更好。

    And we can prime ourselves to perform better , too .

  29. 如果你要去游泳,事前不要吃东西。

    If you are going swimming , do not eat beforehand .

  30. 检讨事前准备并提出改善方法;

    Reviewing the advance preparation and offering the improving methods ;