
shì jià
  • leave of absence;compassionate leave
事假 [shì jià]
  • [leave of absence] 因私事或其他个人原因请的假

  • 请一天事假

事假[shì jià]
  1. 5.Persoonalday私人事假A:私人事假是什么意思?

    A : What is a personal day ?

  2. B:私人事假是为必须在工作时间办的私人事情设定的。

    B : Personal day is for when you have to take care of things during work time .

  3. 她获准休病假[事假/产假].的确应该休一休假。

    She 's been given sick / compassionate / maternity leave .

  4. 他请了事假还是病假?

    Did he ask for sick leave or business leave ?

  5. 事假我和我总不会珍惜它;

    No leave me and I shall treasure it always ;

  6. 我需要请两天事假。

    I need a personal leave for tow days .

  7. 否则就算事假。

    Otherwise , it counts as personal leave .

  8. 他请事假了吗?

    Has he asked for personal leave ?

  9. 如果乙方在工作时间内需请事假,须得到甲方的批准;

    If part B applies leave in work time , it must be confirmed by part A.

  10. 每当我会回家在事假,我会要求爸爸弹曼陀林。

    Whenever I would come home on leave , I would ask Dad to play the mandolin .

  11. 罗杰∶并没有。老实说,我考虑过不去。我现在负担不起请事假被扣钱。

    Roger : No. Honestly , I considered not going . I cannot afford personal leave right now .

  12. 事假一些室,因此您能任一戏剧另一场比赛或回来演奏另一天。

    Leave yourself some room so you can either play another game or come back to play another day .

  13. 她获准休病假[事假/产假].使工人可以在没有需要的情况下休病假的漏洞

    She 's been given sick / compassionate / maternity leave . a loophole enabling workers to take unnecessary sick leave

  14. 假如婚姻陷入了单调和平淡,那孩子和家庭受到的损失会更大。预支事假和病假扣还

    Both will suffer far more if the marriage bogs down in monotony and indifference . restitution of advance annual and sick leave

  15. 供应商雇员任意是进入或事假住房任何时候提供了(除了可能在夜间宵禁期间)?

    Are supplier employees free to enter or leave the housing provided at any time ( except possibly during a nighttime curfew )?

  16. 阿珍∶汤姆,我一直想问你,下周我是否可以请两天事假?

    Jane : Tom , I 've been meaning to ask you : Can I take a couple of personal days next week ?

  17. 试从主观原因角度探讨假借字的产生她获准休病假[事假/产假]。

    A Probe into the Phenomenon of Phonetic Loan Characters from Subjective Perspective She 's been given sick / compassionate / maternity leave .

  18. 汤姆∶没问题,嗯,你可以用之前的加班时数来抵请假的时数。不然事假是不给薪的。

    Tom : OK , well , you can use any overtime you have to cover those hours . Otherwise , personal leave is unpaid .

  19. 2.请假申请尊敬的林先生:我想要在5月14日即本周三请一天事假。

    Dear Mr. Lin , I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on May 14th , this Wednesday .

  20. 确保未支付的工资、未休的假期(以及病假和事假)、岗位工资或其他你应得的赔偿得以合理解决。

    Be sure to get a fair settlement for any outstanding salary , vacation ( and sick and personal ) days , and commission payments or other compensation due to you .

  21. 杰克:休假、事假和病假增加在你工作的第一年每个月增加1天,而后你在公司任职期间相应增加。

    Jake : Vacation days , personal leave , and sick leave accrue one day per month in your first year , and then increase with your tenure with the company .

  22. 它帮助各个家庭负担儿保、医疗、上大学、带薪病事假、自己拥有住房、为退休储备等,每年它将把几千美元放回工薪家庭的口袋。

    It helps families afford childcare , health care , college , paid leave at work , homeownership , and saving for retirement , and it could put thousands of dollars back into the pockets of a working family each year .