
  1. 法院司法行政事务管理权研究

    Studies on the Managerial Rights of the Judicial Administrative Affairs of the Court

  2. 本文认为,政府和协会对注册会计师职业的监管权是一种公共事务管理权。

    The regulation right of CPA by government and institute of CPA is a public affair management right .

  3. 执行警务局主要行使执行立案权、执行命令权、执行措施施行权、异议复议裁决权、处罚决定权、司法警务权、事务管理权等七项权力。

    Executive Police Bureau carries the power of executive case filing , executive order , executive measure enforcement , objection reconsideration adjudication , punishment decision , judicial police matter and affair management .

  4. 作为司法职权的有机组成部分,司法行政权被界定为辅助审判权行使的行政事务管理权,包含着审判事务管理权、司法政务管理权、司法人事管理权和司法裁判执行权。

    Judicial administrative power is an organic part of the judicial functions and powers which including the managerial power of the judicial affairs , judicial administrative affairs , judicial personnel and executive power of the case .

  5. 教授应享有对学术事务的管理权和决策权;

    Professors should enjoy the rights to managing academic affairs and decision-making ;

  6. 循环经济发展中的家庭再生资源规范回收决策经济的独立,使妇女赢得了对家庭重大事务的管理决策权。

    Research on Regulatory Recycling Decision-making of Renewable Resources As they have become economically independent , Chinese women have gained more management and decision-making power in principal family and economic matters .

  7. 现代公司制度的运作普遍奉行所有权与经营权分离的原则,董事和其他高级管理人员获得了对公司内部事务的排他性管理权。

    The operation of the modern corporate system generally pursue the principle of separation of ownership and management , directors and other senior management staffs obtain the absolute administration authority upon the internal affairs of the company .

  8. 第二章展现村民在村庄共同体行政事务管理中的参与权。

    The second chapter is to exploit that how the villagers take part in the political life of village community .

  9. 英国边境事务管理署将有权拒绝在没有翻译的情况下不能用英语交流也就是不能满足所需的最低要求的学生入境。

    UK Border Agency staff will be able to refuse entry to students who cannot speak English without an interpreter , and who therefore clearly do not meet the minimum standard .