
èr shěn pàn jué
  • judgment of second instance;sentence of second instance
  1. 人民法院对公开审理或者不公开审理的案件,一律公开宣告判决。同一级法院及上一级法院作出的二审判决或裁定属终局裁决。

    The people 's court shall publish the judgments of all its cases heard either in public or in private .

  2. 二审判决很大程度上是司法对民意的屈从。民众意见与司法认定的激烈冲突是当前我国类似热点案件面临的主要困境。

    There is a conflict between people desire and the justice , which come into being the main corner of hot cases .

  3. 如果上诉成功,二审判决的时间可能接近明年的大选投票日,这可能对投票结果具有潜在的重要影响。

    If an appeal were successful , the second ruling could come close to election day early next year , which could give a potentially significant impact on the outcome .

  4. 该案一、二审判决结果迥异,造成这一重大差异的直接原因就是一、二审法院对保险人所负提示说明义务的理解有所不同。

    In this case , the second trial results are different , the major difference is the direct cause of a court of second instance for the insurer , the negative understanding of the obligations of different tips .

  5. 由于观点的不一致,导致该类案件在一审法院和二审法院判决不同。

    As the view is inconsistent , leading to such cases in the courts of first instance and second instance court are different .

  6. 自首后翻供,又如实供述的时间限定在一审判决之前,笔者认为应当放宽到二审庭审或判决之前。

    After the confession confession voluntary surrender , and time is limited in a trial before , the author thinks should be relaxed to the second trial or sentence before .

  7. 第二审人民法院判决宣告前,上诉人申请撤回上诉的,是否准许,由第二审人民法院裁定。

    Where the appellor requests to revoke the appeal before the people 's court of second instance pronounces a judgment , it shall be decided by a ruling of the people 's court of second instance .

  8. 发生在浙江省东阳市的吴英集资诈骗一案,经过一审和二审程序,判决被告人吴英犯集资诈骗罪,处以死刑并没收其全部个人财产。

    Ying-financing fraud case in Dongyang City , Zhejiang Province , after the first and second instance procedures , sentenced the accused Wu Ying guilty of financial fraud and sentenced to death and confiscation of all their personal property .

  9. 第一百五十八条第二审人民法院的判决、裁定,是终审的判决、裁定。

    Article 158 he judgment and the written order of a people 's court of second instance shall be final .

  10. 有理数域上二元不可约多项式的判别第二审人民法院的判决、裁定,是终审的判决、裁定。

    Judgement Method of Irreducible Polynomial in Two Variables a judgment or ruling by the people 's court of second instance is one of final instance .

  11. 承认仲裁裁决的法院判决第二审人民法院的判决、裁定,是终审的判决、裁定。

    Entry of judg ( e ) ment on an award a judgment or ruling by the people 's court of second instance is one of final instance .

  12. 本案历时两年多,经历了一审、二审和再审,判决的一波三折引起了激烈的讨论。

    This case lasted more than two years , has experienced the first instance , second instance and retrial , the judgment this sorry tale has caused heated discussion , one of the second instance is particularly conspicuous commuted , many criticism .