
wǔ yī
  • 五一国际劳动节 May 1st;International Labour Day;May Day
  1. 过去在五一劳动节这天,数十万人常常乘坐大巴到东柏林游行。

    On May Day hundreds of thousands used to be bussed in to parade through East Berlin

  2. 修饰公园,准备迎接五一。

    The parks are decorated for the May Day celebrations .

  3. “五一”是国际劳动节。

    May1 is international labour day .

  4. 史迪尔顿滚奶酪。五一节是传统的庆祝日,但世界上肯定只有史迪尔顿的2000名英国村民会将滚奶酪列入年度计划。

    Stilton Cheese Rolling May Day is a traditional day for celebrations , but the 2,000 English villagers of Stilton mustbe the only people in the world who include cheese rolling in their annual plans .

  5. 然而,在美国和加拿大,五一劳动节并不属于节假日。

    However , in the United States and Canada , May 1st is not a holiday .

  6. 今年“五一”长假期间,延安市红色旅游市场蓬勃发展,共接待游客160万人次,收入近15亿元。

    The city 's Red tourism market boomed during the five-day May Day holiday this year , when it received 1.6 million visitors and recorded nearly 1.5 billion yuan in revenue .

  7. 经测试排课子系统运行良好,并通过Web系统整合成功集成到了重庆市五一高级技工学校校园数字化项目中,项目已顺利上线,投入正常使用且运行良好。

    With the help of web system , it is integrated into Campus Digitization Project of Wuyi School successfully . The project is online now , and runs well .

  8. 对于股票经纪商而言,五一劳动节的意义莫过于废除了使他们在繁荣时期更容易赚钱、在市场长期萧条时多数都能安然渡过难关的制度。当年《时代》杂志(Time)如此评论道。

    To stockbrokers , May Day means nothing less than the abolition of the system that has enriched them in good times and pulled many of them through during long periods of market slack , Time magazine noted that year .

  9. 官方媒体中国国际广播电台(ChinaRadioInternational)网站的消息称,在最近这个五一劳动节,出京方向的一条高速路上曾出现长达55公里的拥堵。

    In the recent May Day holiday , a traffic jam of 55 kilometers in length formed on one of the highways leaving Beijing , according to the website of state-controlled China Radio International .

  10. 旅游客源市场SWOT分析及对策&2004年五一黄金周昆明假日旅游为例

    SWOT analysis of the source market of tourism of Kunming reviewing the May Day holiday week tourism , 2004 , of kunming , yunnan China

  11. 本轮财报季仅本周五一天就会有400多家公司发布业绩预计将体现出高科技产业复苏的广度。此前,苹果(Apple)和微软(Microsoft)等美国高科技产业的蓝筹公司发布了强劲业绩。

    The earnings season , with more than 400 companies reporting on Friday alone , is expected to show the breadth of the recovery in the technology sector after strong results from US technology blue chips such as Apple and Microsoft .

  12. 在欧洲,基准的itraxx欧洲(itraxxeurope)指数中125家投资级成份股公司的债券违约保险成本,上周五一度飙升至156个基点的新高,收盘报于146个基点。

    In Europe , the cost of insuring the debt of the 125 investment-grade companies in the benchmark itraxx Europe Index surged to a new high of 156bp , before closing at 146bp on Friday .

  13. 论如何度过五一节的假期。让我们去海滩玩吧!

    They are discussing how to spend the May Day holiday .

  14. 约有40万工人参加了1912的五一节大罢工。

    About 400000 workers joined in the 1912 May Day strickes .

  15. 难道他五一去旅游还没有回来吗?

    Had him still taken the trip for Labor 's Day ?

  16. 今年的五一与众不同,仅仅放假1天。

    May1 this year 's different , just leave one day .

  17. 长沙五一文商场大楼的爆破拆除

    Blasting Demolition of the " Wuyiwen " Department Store in Changsha

  18. 台江五一路人行天桥设计分析

    Design and analysis for the pedestrian overcrossing on May 1 road

  19. 五一假期我打算呆在家里看电影。

    I plan to watch movies at home during the May1st.holiday .

  20. 今年“五一节”我们可能去旅游。

    We may go for a trip this May Day .

  21. 时间过得飞快,五一节过去了。

    The time passed quickly , this May Day will pass too .

  22. 生活需要快乐,提前祝大家五一节快乐!

    PS : Perhaps I need a new life style .

  23. 祝老师们五一节快乐!

    Wish You a Happy May Day , Dear Teachers !

  24. 昨晚8点,周立波站在兰心大戏院的舞台上,为五一劳动节

    At8:00 , Zhou Libo standing Lyceum Theatre stage for the Labour Day

  25. 我希望它在五一劳动节之前能够上演。

    I hope to put it on before May Day .

  26. 在当代中国,五一劳动节是哪一天?

    Which day is the Labor Day in Modern China ?

  27. 西雅图五一劳动节一场和平的移民权利游行过后爆发暴力事件。

    Violence erupted following a peaceful immigrant-rights May Day march in Seattle .

  28. 在五一假期出游的压力可能比工作上的还要大!

    Travelling during the May holiday can be more stressful than work !

  29. 金融学者、企业家和劳模&全国五一劳动奖章获得者庄东辰印象

    Zhuang Dongchen : Financial Scholar , Enterpriser , Labor Model

  30. 到五一的时候,我们就架起了第一个钢构。

    By May Day we had put in the first steel structure .