
  • 网络China International Fashion Week;China Fashion Week
  1. 关于中国国际时装周的全部信息和图片可以在这里找到。

    To view all the shows of China Fashion Week , please click here .

  2. 中国国际时装周在京举行

    China Fashion Week was held in Beijing

  3. 3月29日,来自近十个国家的外交官在北京举行的中国国际时装周某服装品牌发布会上客串模特展示服装。

    A foreign diplomat is displaying a creation during the China International Fashion Week .

  4. 古色古香与现代时尚的和谐统一2006中国国际时装周设计师作品发布

    2006 China Fashion Week

  5. 大部分来中国国际时装周的人没有一般在三里屯逛街的人穿得时尚-更没法跟在北京参加时尚活动的人比。

    Most spectators at China Fashion Week were not as stylish as the average shopper Sanlitun Village let alone the guests at most fashion parties hosted by foreign brands .

  6. 她曾为诸多中国知名女性时尚品牌走过秀,同时她也是中国国际时装周上的常客。

    She has taken to the catwalk for most of the important women ` s fashion brands in China , and is a regular at China International Fashion Weeks .