
  • 网络Fatal Attraction;An unrightful couple;Doomed love
  1. 他的死终成为这一切孽缘的序幕。

    And made his death become the start of all tragedies .

  2. 但许多人开始渴望看到割断这段孽缘。

    But many are beginning to long to see the knot cut .

  3. 佐伊写过一本名为《爱情节食:如何中止孽缘》的书,她说,女性还往往在社交网络上花费大量的时间,去寻找潜在的恋爱对象。

    Ms Strimpel , who wrote ' Man Diet : One Woman 's Quest to End Bad Romance , " said the fairer sex also spends too much time monitoring potential suitors online .