
  • 网络Beijing International Film Festival
  1. 祝愿第二届北京国际电影节圆满成功!

    So my very best wishes for the 2nd Beijing International Film Festival .

  2. 第十届北京国际电影节定于8月22日至29日举行。

    The 10th Beijing International Film Festival is set to run from Aug. 22 to 29 .

  3. 北京国际电影节的构想与展望

    Beijing Conceives and Outlooks of the International Film Festival

  4. 一年一度的北京国际电影节是五年前首次举办的,而天坛奖是在2013年第一次颁发的。

    The annual Beijing International Film Festival was first held five years ago , and its Tiantan Awards added in 2013 .

  5. 北京国际电影节官员长朱江表示,这两部电影入围了竞争10大奖项的15部电影当中。

    An official from the festival , Zhu Jiang , said the two films are among a total of 15 to compete for ten awards .

  6. 电影迷们很快就能在北京国际电影节上庆祝一场视觉盛宴了,该电影节上还将放映近500部高质量电影。

    Movie buffs will soon be able to celebrate with a visual feast at the Beijing International Film Festival , where nearly 500 high quality films will be shown .

  7. 我们能够感受到北京国际电影节活跃的氛围,来自不同国家、不同语言和不同类型的电影都在这里展映。

    We can feel the open atmosphere of Beijing International Film Festival embracing and representing a variety of films from different locations , languages and cultures and in various categories .

  8. 在今年的北京国际电影节论坛上,博纳影业集团有限公司总裁于冬表示,中国电影的海外推广无外乎三个阶段。

    At a Beijing International Film Festival forum , CEO of Bona Film Group Ltd Yu Dong maps out three stages that Chinese films have to take to launch a global entry .

  9. 今年的北京国际电影节于4月16日至23日举办,届时将展映大批口碑极佳的电影,其中不乏剖析、审视青年人的佳作。

    This year 's Beijing International Film Festival , which runs from April 16 to 23 , offers a long lineup of critically acclaimed films , many of which dissect the trials of youth .

  10. 这部影片于2014年上映,由阿根廷编剧兼导演达米安斯兹弗隆亲自操刀。它也是2015年北京国际电影节的展映影片(4月16日-23日)之一。电影以其不落俗套的幽默与出乎意料的情节令人眼前一亮。

    This 2014 film from Argentine screenwriter and director Dami á n Szifron , which was shown at the Beijing International Film Festival ( April 16-23 ) , intrigued audiences with its off-kilter humor and unexpected plotline .

  11. 我们共聚一堂,庆祝和欣赏我们电影人的卓越成就。有了我们的共同努力,北京国际电影节将会在未来几年成为国际电影界越来越重要的盛事。

    You know , we gather here to celebrate and enjoy each other 's work as film-makers , and together , to contribute to making Beijing International Film Festival an increasingly important event for the world film industry in coming years .

  12. 两部国产电影《师父》、《滚蛋吧,肿瘤君》双双入围天坛奖影片名单。天坛奖是在每年一度的北京国际电影节上颁发的,今年该典礼将于4月16日至23日举行。

    Two Chinese films " The Master " and " Go Away , Mr. Tumor " have been named as finalists for the Tiantan Awards , which are given at the annual Beijing International Film Festival , which runs from April 16 to the 23rd .

  13. 她正在北京参加第八届北京国际电影节艺术电影推广论坛。

    She 's currently in Beijing for an art-house film promotion forum , which has been held as part of the 8th Beijing International Film Festival .