
guó shǒu
  • national champion;grand master;national champion(in chess,etc.)
国手 [guó shǒu]
  • [national champion(in chess,etc.);grand master] 才艺技能冠(如棋艺、医道等)绝全国的人

  • 人心无算处,国手有输时。--《唐诗纪事.裴说.棋》

国手[guó shǒu]
  1. 乒乓球国手阎森的心理训练

    Psychological Training Of Table Tennis Player Yan Sen

  2. 目的了解《中华手外科杂志》(下称该刊)引文引用规律及情报吸收能力,找出我国手外科研究领域的文献需求特征,为该学科研究人员利用文献提出建议。

    Objective To understand the citation pattern of the Chinese Journal of Hand Surgery ( CJHS ) and analyze the characteristics of literature request of the scientists working in the field .

  3. 但在去年年底那可怕的几个星期内,迪拜的降落伞却怎么也打不开,也可能是这个酋长国手忙脚乱的就是找不到开伞索。

    But for a few horrible weeks at the end of last year , Dubai 's parachute refused to open & or perhaps the emirate simply fumbled as it reached for the ripcord .