
  1. 摔跤运动是一项最古老的体育运动,国际式摔跤是奥运金牌的一个大项,在现代竞技体育中占有重要的地位。

    Wrestling is one of the most ancient sports , International Olympic wrestling gold medal in a major key , in the modern competitive sports occupy an important position .

  2. 乌兹别克斯坦经常举办些有威望的比赛,如亚洲拳击锦标赛,亚欧跆拳道锦标赛,国际A级自由式摔跤联赛。

    Uzbekistan often hosts prestigious contests like the Asian Boxing Championship , the Asia and Oceania Taekwondo Championship ," A " - grade international freestyle wrestling tournaments .