
wǔ dài shí ɡuó
  • Five Dynasties
  1. 五代十国的流民问题

    The Problem of the Floating Population in the Five-dynasty Period

  2. 五代十国对于文化传统极为尊敬。

    there remained a high regard for cultural tradition .

  3. 论五代十国时期农业经济作物的发展趋势

    Tendency of Development of Agricultural Industrial Crops in the Five Dynasties and Ten States

  4. 五代十国时期书籍刊刻及其影响

    Research on the Block-printing and Its Influence During the Five Dynasties and Ten States Period

  5. 五代十国时期书院述略

    A General Discussion on Academies During the Period of the Five Dynasties and Ten States

  6. 五代十国食盐产地研究

    A Study of Salt Places of Ten Countries during the Periods of the Five Dynasties

  7. 五代十国政权与西南少数民族的关系周人天神信仰源自西北说补证

    The Relations between Regimes of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms and Minority Nationalities in the Southwest

  8. 南唐是五代十国中最为重要的国家之一。

    Southern Tang was one of the most important countries in Five Dynasties and Ten States .

  9. 五代十国

    Five Dynasties and Ten States

  10. 除去这个时代的混乱纷争,五代十国其实是中国文化的一个重要时期。

    Regardless of the chaos which prevailed during this period , it was important in terms of Chinese culture .

  11. 中国的封建主义在之后的五代十国和宋元时期越发处于优势地位。

    Chinese feudalism experienced the later period of its ascendancy during the Five Dynasties , the Song and the Yuan .

  12. 天津市历史博物馆馆藏唐、五代十国珍钱

    The rare coins of Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties and ten states period which collected in the Tian Jin history museum

  13. 试论五代十国时期中原地区的民族融合及其措施

    Trial Remark on the National Mixture Ways of the Middle Land Region in the Period of Five Dynasties and Ten States

  14. 五代十国割据形态的特征及其对统一进程的影响

    The Features of the Separatist Rule of the Ten Kingdoms of The Five Dynasties and its Influence upon the Progress of National Unification

  15. 在五代十国的后晋时期,曾把北方的燕云十六州割与契丹族所建立的辽国。

    The later Jin of the Five Dynasties and Ten States cec % l the sixteen cities of Youyun to Liao of Qidan .

  16. 五代十国时期妇女开始裹小脚,首次出现在公元950年。

    The practice of binding womens feet also began during this time . The first evidence of this practice showed up in about 950 .

  17. 隋朝结束了五代十国的混战局面,统一了全国,人民的生活远离了战争的水深火热,生活渐渐稳定下来。

    The Sui dynasty ended the chaos of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms and unified the country . The people lived a gradually stabilized life peacefully .

  18. 五代十国时期是一个特别值得重视的在政治体制方面发生变化的关键时期。

    The changes in political system in the period of the Five Dynasties and Ten Countries were the crucial phases that should call for special attention .

  19. 经五代十国至北宋,二府三司制最终确立。

    From Five Dynasties and Ten States to the Northern Song Dynasty , the system of the two government offices and three departments were established ultimately .

  20. 五代十国盐业生产遭到了很大的破坏,许多盐池、盐井被迫废弃,食盐产地明显减少。

    Salt production of Ten Countries during the periods of the Five Dynasties suffered a great destroy and many salt ponds , wells were forced to abandon .

  21. 五代十国时期,军巡院将其执法职能发挥到了最高点,其职权涉及维护京师秩序、税收征收、市场交易和土地使用等方面。

    Jun Xun Yuan elaborate the administration functions to the tiptop in Wu Dai Shi Guo , including safeguard of capital order , taxation , business and land .

  22. 唐亡后,这些方镇的独立为中国历史上的大分裂时代&五代十国开启了大幕。

    After the extinction of Tang Dynasty , those regional forces opens the curtain for the main Separate Period of China & the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms .

  23. 五代十国时期是自秦始皇统一中国以后的第二次大分裂时期,而各国惩贪不力,使得官员的贪污舞弊也已达到惊人的程度。

    The period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms is the second epoch of breaking up in Chinese history since the Emperor Qin the First making the Country unify .

  24. 汉以后至五代十国时期(公元907~960年),四川相对安定的局面为蜀绣的发展创造了有利的条件,社会需求的不断增大,刺激了蜀绣业的飞速发展。

    During the Five Dynasties and Ten States periods ( 907-960 ), a peaceful society and large demand provided advanced conditions for the rapid development of the Shu Embroidery industry .

  25. 雷峰塔位于西湖附近的南屏山,始建于公元975年,当时正值五代十国时期。

    Leifeng Pagoda is located on Nanping Mountain near the West Lake , and was built in 975 , during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period ( 907-979 ) .

  26. 该故事基于中国五代十国时期(907-960)的历史,当时许多小诸侯国之间战乱不断。

    The story is based on Chinese history during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms ( 907-960 ) , when there were continuous wars and fights among many small kingdoms .

  27. “夜宴”的名子是根据外国著名小说“哈姆。雷特”改编而成。发生在中国古代的五代十国时期之间。(907-979)。

    Known in Chinese name " Yeyan ", the film is a loose adaptation of " Hamlet " set in ancient China 's Five Dynasties and Ten States period ( 907-979 ) .

  28. 椅子在中国的出现是在唐代中期左右,流行是在五代十国时期,而普及则是在宋代。

    Chairs in the emergence of China in about the middle of the Tang Dynasty , is popular in Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period , which is popular in the Song dynasty .

  29. 本书讲述了五代十国时期,南唐后主李煜和皇后周漪漪的爱情故事。

    The book tells a love story of Li Yu , king of the Southern Tang during the period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms ( 907-960 AD ), and his queen Zhou Yiyi .

  30. 唐五代十国时期人建立的东北地方政权&渤海在历史上影响较大,中外学界都十分关注对之的研究,其研究价值和意义较大。

    Northeast local authority & Bohai has great influence in the history , the scholars at home and abroad all extremely pay attention to its research , its research value and significance are more important .