
  • 网络Five Star Movement;Movimento Cinque Stelle
  1. 经济表现同样糟糕的意大利,目前为止也抵挡住了贝佩•格里洛(BeppeGrillo)领导的五星运动党(FiveStarMovement)的诱惑,反而选择支持温和的中间偏左的马泰奥•伦齐(MatteoRenzi)政府。

    Italy , with a similarly poor record of economic achievement has also , so far , resisted the temptation of Beppe Grillo 's Five Star Movement , opting instead for the moderate left-of-centre government of Matteo Renzi .

  2. 因为如果他们选择依旧呆在格里罗的政党,他们将不得不把他们参议员薪水的一半交给“五星运动”。

    If they remain with Mr Grillo they will have to pass half of their senatorial salary to his movement .

  3. 立成表是古历中推算日、月、五星运动时,为简化计算所造的表。

    Li Cheng Biao ( ready reference astronomical table ) in ancient calendars was made in order to simplify the calculation of the motion of the sun , the moon and the five planets .

  4. 在前人工作的基础上给出了《晓庵新法》日、月、五星的运动模型,并详细地介绍了计算月亮行定差的具体过程;说明了日本学者宫岛一彦复原的模型与本文模型的等价性。

    The paper introduced that the Sun , Moon and Five Planets Motion Model in " Xiao'an Xinfa " .