
  • 网络Northern Alliance;northern league;Lega Nord
  1. Aroud的亡夫是刺杀北方联盟领导人艾哈迈德·沙·马苏德的两名杀手之一,该自杀式刺杀行动由奥萨马·本·拉登组织。

    El-Aroud 's late husband was one of two men who killed Ahmed Shah Massoud , a leader of the Northern Alliance , in a suicide mission ordered by Osama Bin Laden .

  2. 新联盟:一位塔利班的逃兵与一位北方联盟的士兵同车而行。

    New Alliances : A Taliban defector and a Northern Alliance soldier , share a ride .

  3. 周二早晨,贝卢斯科尼与他的执政伙伴北方联盟(northernleague)之间的谈判未能打破僵局焦点是拟议的养老金改革。

    Talks early on Tuesday between Mr Berlusconi and his Northern League coalition partners failed to resolve the deadlock centred on proposed pension reforms .

  4. 在右翼,贝卢斯科尼与北方联盟(northernleague)组成的联盟在民调中落后,但正在取得进展。

    On the right , the alliance of Mr Berlusconi and the Northern League has been lagging in the polls but is making advances .

  5. 上周六,反移民、反欧元的政党北方联盟(NorthernLeague)——迄今主要在意大利北部活动——走上罗马街头。

    This Saturday the anti-immigrant , anti-euro Northern League party - so far mainly a northern phenomenon - is taking to the streets of Rome .

  6. 1865年4月9日,罗伯特E·李将军带领的南部联盟军队在弗吉尼亚州阿波马托克斯向尤利西斯S.格兰特带领的北方联盟投降。

    On April 9 , 1865 , Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered his army to Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant in the village of Appomattox Court House , Va.

  7. 北方联盟高级官员罗伯托科塔(robertocota)表示,该党“首先要努力阻止非法移民和土耳其加入欧盟”。

    Roberto COTA , a senior Northern League official , said the party would be working " above all to block illegal immigration and the entry of Turkey into the union " .

  8. 政府正面临风险,对欧元持极度怀疑态度、且拥护联邦制的北方联盟党魁翁贝托博西(UmbertoBossi)在罗马告诉记者,形势很困难,非常危险。

    The government is at risk , Umberto Bossi , leader of the fiercely eurosceptic and federalist Northern League , told reporters in Rome . The situation is difficult , very dangerous .

  9. 但是,不久安东尼听说北方联盟开始将他们的力量深入至密西西比。

    But soon Anthony heard that the union extended their forces towards to the Mississippi .

  10. 北方联盟在最近几宗桃色丑闻事件中一直表示支持,并表示将一如既往的支持总理。

    It 's backed him through his recent sex scandals and says it will now carry on with its support .

  11. 意大利内政部长罗贝尔托·马罗纪就是其中之一,他是反移民的“北方联盟”的头面人物。

    They include Roberto Maroni , Italy 's interior minister , who is a senior figure in the anti-immigrant Northern League .

  12. 1996年,塔利班夺取喀布尔,并占领了除主要在东北活动的北方联盟之外的绝大部分领土。

    The Taliban seized Kabul in1996 and captured most of the country outside of Northern Alliance strongholds primarily in the northeast .

  13. 地方主义北方联盟党一名高级政府部长称,这些球员们代表了明星百万富翁被宠坏的最糟糕的形象。

    One senior government minister from the regionalist Northern League says the players represent the very worst of the spoiled cast of celebrity millionaires .

  14. 201年11月13日,阿富汗统治者塔利班和平放弃首都喀布尔,允许美国支持的北方联盟战士接管这座城市。

    On Nov. 13 , 2001 , Afghanistan 's ruling Taliban abandoned the capital Kabul without a fight , allowing U.S. - backed northern alliance fighters to take over the city .

  15. 在美国遭到袭后,北方联盟得到了鼓励。也正是在此前两天,他们的军事司令阿玛德·沙·玛苏德将军遇刺事件与本·拉登有关。

    It has been emboldened since the attacks on America , which came two days after the assassination of its military commander , General Ahmad Shah Masood , also blamed on bin Laden .

  16. 现年23岁的他是一名身在北方联盟领地中的商人,经常开着他的丰田小型载货卡车,到靠近多拿马村的前线那里,载上诸如糖、人造黄油、大米和茶之类的货物。

    A23-year-old trader in Northern Alliance territory who takes his white Toyota pickup truck down to the front lines near the village of Dornoma and loads up on sugar , margarine , rice and tea .

  17. 1996年拉巴尼被塔利班组织赶下台后,成为“北方联盟”的领导人,该组织成员多为少数民族塔吉克人和乌兹别克人。

    After he was driven from Kabul in1996 , he became the nominal head of the Northern Alliance , mostly minority Tajiks and Uzbeks , who swept to power in Kabul after the Taliban 's fall .

  18. 卡尔代罗利是意大利北方联盟的一位政治领袖,他曾声称,自己有足够的经验可以照顾好那些刚出生的小狼,而且以前他还养过一只老虎。

    Calderoli , a firebrand leader of the populist Northern League party , told La Stampa daily earlier this week he had the experience needed to look after the wolf cubs and had previously kept a tiger .

  19. 啸风海湾和北方苔原将成为联盟和部落同时登陆诺森德的起点。

    Both the eastern zone of Howling Fjord and western entry points of Borean Tundra will be accessible to Horde and Alliance .