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  • 网络ethyl linoleate;ethyl linolate;Linoleic acid ethyl ester
  1. 从青梅浸泡酒中鉴定出48种挥发性化合物,其中以棕榈酸乙酯(14.493%)、亚油酸乙酯(11.652%)、油酸乙酯(9.244%)等高级脂肪酸酯、苯甲醛(10.870%)等成分为主。

    48 kinds of volatile compounds were determined from steeping wine mainly including ethyl palmitate ( 14.493 % ), ethyl linoleate ( 11.652 % ), ethyl oleate ( 9.244 % ), and benzaldehyde ( 10.870 % ) etc.

  2. 白色絮状沉淀主要由3种高级脂肪酸乙酯,即油酸乙酯、棕榈酸乙酯、亚油酸乙酯和杂醇油的溶解条件变化而引起;棕黄色沉淀主要是由铁离子形成的棕色沉淀物质;

    , white floc ( induced by the change of dissolution conditions of ethyl oleate , ethyl palmitate , ethyl linoleate and fusel oil ), brown yellow precipitate ( induced by iron ion ), and greasy substances ( produced by aroma-producing substances in liquor ) .

  3. 在温度恒定的情况下,花生四烯酸乙酯和亚油酸乙酯的容量因子和选择性因子都随压力的升高而减小。

    When temperature was constant , the capacity factors of both AA-EE and linoleic acid-EE and separation factors decreased with the increase of pressure .

  4. 以乙醇钾为催化剂催化共轭化红花籽油乙酯制备共轭亚油酸乙酯。

    The ethyl ester of conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) was synthesized with ethyl ester of safflower oil as raw material and with kalium alcoholate ( KOCH2CH3 ) as catalyzer .

  5. 共轭亚油酸及其乙酯的体外透皮实验研究

    An Experimental Study on in Vitro Percutaneous Absorption of Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Its Ethyl Ester

  6. 方法:采用连苯三酚体系考察共轭亚油酸及其乙酯的抗氧化性;

    METHODS Pyrogallol autoxidation system was used to study the antioxidative activity of CLA and Conjugated linoleic acid ethyl ester ( CLAEE ) .

  7. 目的:考察共轭亚油酸及其乙酯的体外透皮和皮肤摄取特性。方法:通过气相色谱-质谱法分析共轭亚油酸及其乙酯试样的成分;

    Objective : To investigate the in vitro percutaneous absorption and skin-intake of conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) and its ethyl ester ( CLAE ) .

  8. 结果:共轭亚油酸及其乙酯在各扩散介质中于10小时内可导致显著的皮内摄取,并且共轭亚油酸的皮内摄取量大于其乙酯;

    Results : After 10 h the skin-intakes of CLA and CLAE in varied diffusion mediums were obvious , and the intake of CLA was more than that of CLAE under the same conditions .

  9. 以2%共轭亚油酸或其乙酯软膏作为扩散物,至3小时便几乎致皮内摄取达饱和,且24小时内共轭亚油酸的皮内摄取量小于其乙酯。

    The skin-intakes of the 2 % CLA and 2 % CLAE ointments almost reached saturation in 3 h and the skin-intake of CLA in 24 h was less than that of CLAE .

  10. 应用气-质联用法对五指毛桃挥发性成分进行了研究,结果表明:五指毛桃挥发性成分以十六酸、油酸、亚油酸及乙酸乙酯为主;

    The volatile components in root of Ficus hitra Vahl were analyzed by GC-MS , the results suggested that the main volatile components in root of Ficus hitra Vahl were Hexadecanoic acid , Oleic acid , Linolic acid and Ethyl Acetate ;