
  • 网络industrial layout
  1. 产业布局与企业投资区位相互影响、相互依存。

    Industrial layout and corporate investment location interaction , and interdependence .

  2. 确定产业布局北京花卉进军高端产业

    Identify Industrial Layout Beijing Flower Move into High-End Industry

  3. 通过研究,本文认为:江苏省吸引FDI在总量规模大幅度上升的同时,也存在诸如区域和产业布局不合理、来源地和进入方式单一等问题;

    Through the research , the author finds some problems accompanying with FDI increasing , i.e. , the district and industry layouts of FDI in Jiangsu Province are irrational and the source and entry method of FDI is very limited , etc.

  4. 长江经济带物流发展与产业布局优化

    Research on Logistics and Industry Distribution in Changjiang River Economic Belt

  5. 经济发展水平、经济结构及产业布局;

    Economic development level , economic structure and layout scheme of industry ;

  6. 三是管理模式陈旧,产业布局不合理,非理性市场竞争;

    Backward production manage-ment , inadequate industrial distribution and irrational market competition ;

  7. 陕西省旅游产业布局的新构想

    A New Conception of Tourism Spatial Distribution in Shaanxi Province

  8. 小城镇产业布局决策支持系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Town Industry Distribution Decision Support System

  9. 中国八大经济区旅游产业布局研究

    Research Towards the Tourism Industry Layout of 8 Economic Regions in China

  10. 论产业布局的规律工业造型设计法则初探

    The Research of the Laws and Rules for Industrial Modelling and Design

  11. 区域产业布局优化的金融支持研究

    The Research on the Financial Support of the Regional Industry Layout Optimization

  12. 高新技术产业布局特征分析

    An analysis of the allocation characteristics of hi-tech industries

  13. 合理的产业布局对于广西北部湾经济区的建设至关重要。

    The reasonable industrial layout is crucial for Guangxi Beibu Gulf economic zone .

  14. 环黄海地区海洋产业布局数据系统研究

    A Study on Data System of Distribution of Marine Industries in Circum-HuangHai Region

  15. 中国媒介产业布局出现了结构性失衡。

    The industrial layout of media is structural unbalance .

  16. 调整沈阳市产业布局改善环境质量的探讨

    Discussion on Adjusting Distribution of Industry to Improve the Environmental Quality in Shenyang

  17. 实施这一模式要求中央政府从总体上合理进行产业布局;

    Carrying out this mode calls for central government formulating industrial layout properly .

  18. 地方政府竞争行为下的软件产业布局研究

    Research on Software Industrial Distribution under Local Government Competition

  19. 我国体育产业布局政策的研究

    Research into sports industry distribution policies in China

  20. 陕甘宁边区经济发展与产业布局研究(1937-1950)

    Research on Industrial Distribution and Economic Development of Shan-gan-ning Border Area ( 1937-1950 );

  21. 我国地区能源强度与产业布局关系的数量研究

    Analysis of the Relationship between Region 's Energy Consumption and Industry Allocation in China

  22. 基于点&轴理论的我国海洋产业布局研究

    Research on Marine Industrial Layout of China Based on " Pole-Axis " System Theory

  23. 中国海岛县际经济差异与今后产业布局分析

    The Analysis of Economic Difference and Future Industrial Allocation of China 's Island Counties

  24. 对我国产业布局政策和区域政策的探讨

    A Study on the Policy of Industrial Deployment and the policy of Regional Development

  25. 产业布局向沿海地区和主要矿石资源地区倾斜;

    Its distribution moves to the costal areas and the regions of mineral resources ;

  26. 产业布局应遵循一定的原则。

    Industry distribution should follow certain principles .

  27. 第4章定性研究了居住就业空间均衡对城市交通需求的影响,指出上海工业布局的变化和第三产业布局对交通需求的影响;

    Chapter 4 researches into the influence of the jobs-housing balance on urban traffic needs .

  28. 贸易影响产业布局的文献综述:回顾国内外相关文献并作评述。

    Literature Review : retrospect domestic and foreign related literatures and make comments on in .

  29. 本文从黑龙江老工业基地振兴入手,研究货币政策在调整国家产业布局、促进区域经济健康发展中的作用。

    This paper studies the role of monetary policy on industrial restructuring and regional growth .

  30. 区域经济可持续发展条件下重庆市产业布局研究

    Researching into Chongqing Industrial Distribution on the Condition That the Continuable Development of Area Economy