
  • 网络Industrial informatization;industry information;Production Informatization
  1. 论文依托陕西省资助研究课题&陕西省文化产业信息化发展研究,属于前沿课题项目。

    This thesis is based upon a funded research program of Shaanxi Province , the Shaanxi Province culture industry information development research , and it is a further project .

  2. 文章借鉴我国信息化测评中心所提出的信息化测度模型提出了产业信息化的测度模型,并对我国信息化所带来的经济和社会效益进行了定量分析。

    The article put forward the measuring model for the industry information on the base of the measuring model for the information put forward by NIEC , and quantitative analyzed the economic and social benefit brought by industry information .

  3. 加速实现产业信息化迎接加入WTO的挑战

    Speed up to realize business informationization and accept the challenge of WTO

  4. 随着产业信息化的不断推进,越来越多的企事业单位通过Internet发布信息。

    With the continuous advancement of information industry more and more enterprises and companies begin to issue their information on internet .

  5. 为了衡量产业信息化水平,本文基于投入产出数据引入了ICT密集度这个指标,并将国民经济33个行业的信息化水平进行的测量。

    In order to measure the level of industrial informatization , an indicator of ICT intensity is introduced upon the input-output data .

  6. 随着柑桔产业信息化的发展,运用先进的3S(GIS、GPS、RS)技术、数据库技术研究柑桔的产业化布局是世界柑桔产业发展的一个趋势。

    Along with the development of citrus industry , it is an inevitable trend to exert the advanced 3S ( GIS , GPS , RS ) technology , databank technic for researching the layout of citrus industry .

  7. 接着,在分析目前住宅产业信息化管理状况的基础上,参考制造业中的CIMS系统,构建了住宅产业集成化管理系统,其中重点探讨了系统的总体框架,并建立了其功能模型及信息模型。

    After analyzing the conditions of the information management of housing industry , according to the CIMS for manufacturing , this dissertation sets up the integrated management system , especially the general frame , function model and information model of this system .

  8. 论文研究课题来源于西北工业大学工业设计研究所承担的陕西省社科基金项目&陕西省文化产业信息化发展研究(项目编号:04D012Z)。

    The task of this thesis roots in the social science project took on by Institute of Industrial Design of Northwestern Polytechnical University & " research of culture industry informatization of Shaanxi province " ( NO. 04D012Z ) .

  9. 产业信息化与我国产业政策选择

    The Informationalization of Industry with our Country 's Industrial Policy Choice

  10. 我国物流产业信息化模型研究

    Informationalization Model Research of the Logistic Industry of Our Country

  11. 基于电子商务的体育产业信息化对策研究

    Discussion on the Strategies of Sports Industry based on E-commerce

  12. 对黑龙江省流通产业信息化的探讨

    Research on Information Technology in Distribution Industry of Heilongjiang Province

  13. 发达国家汽车产业信息化研究

    Research on Information Management of Automotive Industry in Developed Country

  14. 信息化是转变经济增长方式的关键,产业信息化和信息产业化是转变经济增长方式的重要途径。

    Informationalization is the key to changing economic increase way .

  15. 信息企业是从事信息产品生产经营的新兴经济组织,信息企业发展有助于国家产业信息化和信息产业化发展,因而信息企业经济运行的特征及其管理制度也日渐成为人们研究的对象。

    Information enterprise is anew economic organization which produces and manages information products .

  16. 集群经济下重庆制造产业信息化服务平台建设模式

    Building Mode of Informationization in Manufacturing Enterprises on Condition of Chongqing Industrial Cluster

  17. 我国传统产业信息化水平测度研究

    Measurement and Study on Chinese Traditional Industrial Informatization Level

  18. 民间文化产业信息化浅论

    On the information of folk culture industry

  19. 而我国蔬菜产业信息化的现状,并不能满足这些要求。

    But all these problems can not be solved in current national vegetable information system .

  20. 产业信息化测度及测度分析

    The Industrial Informationization Measure and Its Analysis

  21. 本章首先分析了产业信息化形成的条件和驱动及阻碍因素。

    Firstly , this chapter analyzes the driving and baffling factors to formation of industry informatization .

  22. 产业信息化及效益分析

    Industry Informatization and Its Effect Analysis

  23. 深圳市农业布局的探讨农业产业信息化刍议

    Discussion on Information of Agricultural Industry

  24. 浅谈房地产业信息化

    On Real Estate Imformationed

  25. 作为信息革命在经济领域的伟大成果的信息经济,是通过产业信息化和信息产业化两个相互联系和彼此促进的途径不断发展起来的。

    As a great achievement of economic fields , IT economy keeps on developing through industry-informationalize and information - industrialize .

  26. 传统产业信息化的理论与经验分析传统会计是为工业经济时代服务的。

    On Experience and Theory of Traditional Industrial Informationization It 's well know that traditional accounting serves for industrial economy .

  27. 随着信息技术的发展,旅游产业信息化已成为一种必然趋势。

    With the development of information technology , the informationization of tourism industry has already become a kind of inevitable trend .

  28. 提高产业信息化水平是打造优势产业链、提升产业竞争力的关键。

    Improve industry informatization level is the key to build the industrial chain advantage , improve the competitiveness of the industry .

  29. 流通产业信息化是新世纪流通产业发展的大趋势,它将促进流通经济快速迅猛发展。

    Application information technology in distribution industry is a trend of distribution industry , it will promote the development of distribution economy .

  30. 为了适应铁路发展的需要推进铁路产业信息化进程,采用下一代网络技术构建铁路专用通信网络也成为技术发展的必然趋势。

    To improve development of railway information technology , it is necessary to use NGN technology in construction of railway telecommunication network .