
  • 网络Product knowledge
  1. 基于本体和SEMANTICWEB技术的产品知识集成基础研究

    Pilot Study for Ontology & Semantic Web Based Product Knowledge Integration

  2. 探讨了基于网络和本体的家电产品知识模型获取框架、所获取知识的语义有效性保证机制及产品配置过程中对XML文档和关系型数据库的知识查询方法。

    Based on network and ontology technologies , the product knowledge model acquisition frame is constructed , and assurance mechanism of semantic validity is proposed .

  3. 针对XML语言的特点,探讨了基于XML的产品知识表示技术。

    View the characteristics of XML , having a exploration of the expression of knowledge based on XML .

  4. Parallelimport(平行进口商品)指的是未经产品知识产权所有人允许而从别国进口的非仿冒品(真品)。

    A parallel import is a non-counterfeit product imported from another country without the permission of the intellectual property owner .

  5. 提出并研究了定制影响链的分析方法,建立了MC环境下的产品知识管理框架和实施方法。

    Besides , customization influence chain is researched and a knowledge management framework of product for MC is established .

  6. 采用UG/KF技术将洗面器的产品知识库表示成规则和类的组合。

    The knowledge base is expressed by rules and classes in UG / KF language .

  7. 产品知识管理(PKM)中的关键技术

    Key technologies on product knowledge management

  8. 在分析知识工程系统的基础上,介绍KBE的基本概念并阐述了KBE环境下LED产品知识的类型以及基于知识的管理。

    Based on the analysis of knowledge engineering system ( KBE ), the paper expounds the KBE concept and elaborates the LED product knowledge and its management characteristics within KBE .

  9. 分析产品知识的结构和表达方式,建立零件族、模块族和产品族的知识模型,研究产品族模型映射关系;提出基于共享产品平台的产品设计过程;研究基于XML技术的机械产品远程定制技术。

    Product knowledge structure and expression method were analyzed , and the knowledge models of part family , module family and product family were established . Mapping relationship of product family model was studied . Product design process based on sharing product platform was referred .

  10. felipe具有丰富的产品知识,出众的用户服务技巧,忠诚于美国好施集团的价值观,这些都有助于他胜任新的职务。

    Felipe 's strong product knowledge , superior customer service skills , and loyalty to Hirsch values will serve him well in his new role .

  11. 在设计仓库中产品知识的获取与管理方法方面,提出面向主题的DR数据模型、面向OLAP的多维数据模型、基于粗集(RS)理论的规则抽取等知识管理方法,给出了启发式数据约简算法。

    It addresses thematic data model and an OLAP multi-dimension model . Knowledge management methods such as rule discovering based on Rough Set ( RS ) are discussed , and a heuristic data reduction algorithm is given .

  12. 本体在产品知识S-B-F表达模型中的应用研究

    Research on ontology-based product knowledge S-B-F representation model

  13. 对产品知识进行了层次化的表示,并借助ODLBKIF和基于角度知识描述语言进行了说明。

    The hierarchical denotation of product knowledge is demonstrated by means of ODLBKIF and the described language based on aspect knowledge .

  14. 以此为基础,进行了产品知识管理系统的总体设计,研究了PKM的体系结构、知识处理流程及功能结构,讨论了PKM系统与其他系统的集成问题。

    Then the primary design of product knowledge management system is carried through , the overall system structure of PKM , knowledge process flow and function structure are studied , and integration of PKM with other system is discussed .

  15. 产品知识管理中的本体映射方法研究

    Research on Ontology Mapping Methods in the Product Knowledge Management

  16. 具备机械产品知识及工作经验优先;

    Knowledge and experience about mechanical products is an advantage ;

  17. 设计了基于本体的产品知识结构-行为-功能表达模型。

    Product knowledge and S-B-F representation model based on ontology were designed .

  18. 前线员工提供热诚周到的顾客服务,并具备丰富的产品知识。

    Ensure superb customer service with front-line staff possessing extensive product knowledge .

  19. 机电产品知识模块本体的集成及应用研究

    Research of Integration and Application for Knowledge Module Ontology of Electromechanical Product

  20. 产品知识对产品属性-感知质量关系有调节作用。

    Product knowledge moderates the relationship between product attributes and perceived quality .

  21. 产品知识认知程度对初始激活域的影响研究

    The Effects of Product Knowledge Recognition on Initial Evoked Set

  22. 提供专业的产品知识。

    To offer the professional product knowledge to customers .

  23. 本体在产品知识表达中的应用研究

    Research on Application of Ontology in Product Knowledge Representation

  24. 制造业知识管理中基于本体的产品知识表达研究

    Research on Product Knowledge Representation for Manufacturing KM

  25. 掌握饭店产品知识。

    Familiar with the hotel product knowledge .

  26. 本文将重点讨论业务建模,您仅仅需要概念产品知识即可。

    This article focuses on business modeling , and you only need conceptual product knowledge .

  27. 受过生产作业管理、生产维护、产品知识等方面的培训。

    Have relative training of product process management , product knowledge , equipment maintenance * etc.

  28. 市场细分的新方式:产品知识&以手机产品为例

    New Forms of Market Segmentation : Product Knowledge & Take the Handset Products for Instance

  29. 因此现代企业迫切需要先进的知识管理平台,随之而来对产品知识的表达和推理机制提出了新的需求。

    Therefore advanced knowledge management technology is urgently required for product knowledge representation and reasoning .

  30. 通过这个产品知识扩展了我们测试人员的价值和作用。

    Taking advantage of this product knowledge expands the value and role of our testers .