
  1. 法国汽车制造商标致雪铁龙集团(psapeugeotcitron)昨天宣布了一系列高管人事调整,并将首次向中国派驻一名执行董事会级别的高管。

    PSA Peugeot Citro n announced a shake-up yesterday of its senior management that will see the French carmaker base an executive board-level official in China for the first time .

  2. 埃洛普对销售和营销部进行了一次很大的人事调整。在推出Lumia手机之后,埃洛普换掉了首席运营长德瓦德(JerriDeVard)和另外两名高管。

    Mr. Elop has shaken up a sales and marketing department , replacing Chief Operating Officer Jerri DeVard and two other executives after the Lumia launch .

  3. 在2010年这个队有一些人事调整。

    In2010 , there were some adjustments in this team .

  4. 在过去的人事调整中,航空公司和电信公司的领导人曾经出现过对调;

    In past changes , the party has swapped top managers between airlines and telephone companies ;

  5. 摩根大通的一位发言人称,这一轮人事调整已经筹划了好几个月,比巨额交易损失早很久。

    And a JPMorgan spokesperson said the moves have been in the works for months , long before the trading losses emerged .

  6. 控制宫城禁卫军权并进行了一系列人事调整之后,宋文帝又采取措施消灭了辅政大臣,将朝政决策权和荆州军政大权收归己手。

    Emperor Wen of the Song Dynasty also took action to annihilate the assisting Minister , drawing back the power of decision and military .

  7. 经过此轮人事调整,戴蒙带领摩根大通度过金融危机时所依仗的团队中的最后一人也已经被架空。

    The current move ousts one of the last of a group of JPMorgan executives who Dimon appeared to have relied on to steer the firm through the financial crisis .

  8. 正因为如此,宋太祖开国后,遂有针对性地从人事调整和制度建设两方面同时入手来强化武德司。

    Just for this reason , after the founding of Song dynasty , Emperor Taizu concurrently started to strengthen the Arm Moral Department directly from regulating personal system and functional system .

  9. 考核主体分为教学督导,考核小组,工作同事和学生四类;考核指标分为教学态度,教学内容,教学方法和教学效果;考核结果主要应用于报酬分析和人事调整。

    The principal evaluation body is sub-divided into four groups of teaching supervisors , evaluation teams , colleagues and students . The evaluation indicators consist of teaching attitude , teaching programs , teaching approaches and teaching effects .

  10. 在中国国企近期的高层人事调整中,一家铁路设备制造企业的负责人被调任一家光伏企业的负责人;一家冶金企业的领导人被调任一家旅游公司的领导人,不过16个月后此人被降职。

    Among the recent personnel changes in China , the party assigned the head of a railway equipment maker to the helm of a solar panel business , and a metal-maker 's chief to a tourism business , though he was demoted 16 months later .

  11. 在过去的人事调整中,航空公司和电信公司的领导人曾经出现过对调;三年前,中国三大石油巨头的高管被大挪移,部分职位互换,其中一人还被调任某省担任省委副书记。

    In past changes , the party has swapped top managers between airlines and telephone companies ; three years ago , Beijing shuffled senior executives among the country 's three biggest oil companies , in one case replacing a man appointed party chief of a province .

  12. 高校教师绩效考核是作为深化人事制度调整的重要内容,不仅事关教师师资队伍水平的高低和教师积极性的发挥,更加涉及到人才培养的质量。

    University teachers to deepen the personnel performance appraisal system as an important part of the adjustment , not only related to the level of teachers , faculty and teachers of their initiative , and more related to the quality of personnel training .

  13. 如何对目标企业的人事安排作出调整;

    How to adjust the arrangement of personnels in the target business ;

  14. 对贫困家庭的学生实行免费教育以及县级教育部门自身应从改革人事制度、调整教育布局两方面入手等几项措施。

    The education department in the government should reform its personnel system and adjust its education arrangement .

  15. 人事争议仲裁调整的工作人员可分为三类,其中:国家行政机关中的人事关系实质上属公法范畴,应纳入公务员法调整;

    The employees regulated by personnel relationship disputes arbitration system can be classified into three kinds , the personnel relationship below to the sphere of public law and should be regulated by civil servant law ;

  16. 本章分析了我国现行人事争议仲裁的调整范围和缺陷。

    It analyses its regulation sphere and defects .