
  • 网络Humanistic principle;homocentric principle
  1. 教学管理人本原则及其现实意义

    On the Humanistic Principle in Teaching Management and Its Practical Significance

  2. 思想政治教育要遵循人本原则

    Humanistic principle : a basic principle in Political Ideological Education

  3. 校长协调人际关系的人本原则和策略

    On Humanized Principles and Strategies of Coordinating Interpersonal Relationships

  4. 加深以人为本和人本原则教育与实践的任务,还十分浩繁与巨大。

    It is a very difficult duty to deepen the people-oriented principles and practice of education .

  5. 对于这些非物质文化遗产的保护,要把握生命原则、创新原则、整体原则、人本原则和教育原则。

    For these non-material cultural heritage protection , we should grasp the principles of life , innovative overall and education .

  6. 经济增长质量分析是一种规范分析方法,需要建立其价值判断,这一价值判断的核心是人本原则。

    As normative analysis , the analysis of economy growth quality requires the establishment of value sense with a core of humanity principle .

  7. 建设后勤企业文化应坚持市场原则、创新原则、效益原则和人本原则,并采取切实有效的措施拓展活动空间。

    To this end , we should adhere to the principles of market , innovation , benefit and personnel and take effective measures to develop room for activities .

  8. 从公共伦理视角审视,人本原则、时效原则、互助原则、知情原则是地震灾害救助应当遵循的四条基本原则。

    Examining in terms of public ethics , the four basic principles to follow are : people first principle , prescription principle , principle of helping each other , principle of informed consent .

  9. 主要的设计原则是人本原则、参与原则、适应原则和特色原则,同时,通过问卷调查的方式,了解了核心员工的具体需求,并提出了满足这些需求的对策与建议。

    The design principles included the people-oriented principle , the participation principle , the adapting principle and the features principle . Also , this part comprehended the specific needs of core employees , and proposed some related measures to meet these requirements and recommendations through the questionnaire .

  10. 地方政府大部制改革应遵循的原则主要有服务与保障的人本原则、回应与调适的和谐原则、整体与局部的协调原则、整合与统筹的平衡原则、普遍与特殊的适应原则等。

    Most of the local government reform should follow the principle of service and security are the principles of human response and adaptation of the harmony principle , the principle of global and local coordination , integration and co-ordinate the balance principle , the general principles and specific adaptation .

  11. 但大工业经济增长方式的副作用影响了整个生产力发展的结果,它游离了人本主义原则。

    However , the side effect of large-scale industrial economy growth mode influenced the result of productivity development and made it deviate the aim of humanism .

  12. 社会评价从人本的原则出发,研究内容包括项目的社会影响分析、项目所在地的互适性分析和社会风险分析。

    The social assessment is based on the people-oriented principle , and its research contents include the social impact analysis of the project , compatibility analysis of the project location and social hazards analysis .

  13. 经济服务活动中的伦理原则包括人本服务原则、服务效益原则、服务创新原则、服务竞争原则和服务公平原则。

    The ethical principles in activities of economic service include the principles of human-centered service , service efficiency , service innovation , service competition and service equity . Among them , the human-centered service is the core ;

  14. 引入了管理学中的人本管理原则,阐述了人本思想和人本管理的内涵,并论述了运用人本管理思想管理图书馆人力资源的现实意义及其具体的实施办法。

    This paper introduces the humanistic management principle , expounds the connotation of humanistic thought and humanistic management , and discusses on the practical significance and the concrete practicing method of the management of university library 's manpower resources .

  15. 用人本经济的原则规范医疗美容行业;

    Standardizing the medical cosmetic industry in the principle of " anthropocentric economics ";

  16. 图书馆的人本管理:原则与策略

    The Library Humanistic Management : Principle and Strategy

  17. 提出用人本主义的原则和方法来克服抑制现象、培养积极成熟的第二语言自我。

    The humanistic teaching principles and techniques are suggested to overcome inhibition in the development of the second language ego .

  18. 根据学术期刊运作规律的特点,现代管理方式应坚持目标管理原则、人本动力管理原则、组织管理原则。

    Considering the rules of its operation , academic journals should aim at the principles of target management , service-oriented management and organizing management .

  19. 解决农民工住房保障的问题,本文认为首先应该遵循特定的原则,包括公平、协作、人本和渐进原则。

    To solve the problem of housing security of migrant workers , this paper argues that firstly people should follow certain principles , including the principle of fairness , collaboration , humanism , step by step in line and so on .

  20. 而各个实践模式能够得以统一的灵魂,就在于城镇化人本理念的核心原则。

    But the soul carrying out a pattern one by one being able to manage to unite , the core principle lying in this idea of the people-oriented thought city and town-rization .

  21. 本文认为,临床路径服务模式有利于为人民健康服务医德价值目标的实现,有利于知情同意原则的实现,体现着人本主义的伦理原则,有利于公正伦理原则的最终实现。

    The author holds that the clinical pathway can enhance help achieving the objective of serving people 's health , implementing the principle of informed consent , embody the human-center thinking , and eventually realize the goal of justice .

  22. 按照中间原理的建构方法,我们把马克思哲学理解为以新唯物论和人本主义为最高原则、以批判性自由理论为中间原理、以阶级斗争和世界历史理论为应用性学说的哲学体系。

    This essay interprets Marx 's philosophy systematically in such a way that Marx took a neo-materialism and humanism as the high principle , and the critical theory of freedom as the intermediate principle , and lastly , the theories of class struggle and world history as the applying principle .

  23. 图书馆人本管理应体现人本原则、情感原则、激励原则和“无为”原则。

    The library humanistic management should embody humanistic principle , emotion principle , encouragement principle and inaction principle .