
  • 网络Human Resource Planning;hr planning;hr plan;hrp
  1. 通过将SWOT分析法和人力资源规划模型相结合,得出Y公司未来应该采取的战略,并据此得出企业未来的人员需求及供给特征。

    Through the combination between SWOT analysis and the models of HRP , it concludes the strategy for Y Logistics Company in the future and then estimates the number of demand and supply of staff .

  2. 作为铁路的基层站段,要想实现跨越式发展,就必须引入现代的管理理念和方法,而人力资源规划正是提高企业竞争优势的一种重要的方法。

    To meet the goal , the base railway stations and depot need to apply the modern management systems , and HRP is among those .

  3. 运用G管理模式理论,设计新疆石油管理局基于G管理模式的人力资源规划、制度重构及创新管理模式;

    The human resources plans , the system reconstruction and the innovation management are designed based on the G ( general ) management system .

  4. FC医院人力资源规划与综合评价研究综合性医院实施主诊医师负责制的实践

    The Study of Programming and Comprehensive Evaluation of Human Resource in FC Hospital ; The Practice of Carrying Out Overall Responsibility of Diagnostician in General Hospital

  5. 广东YJ五金公司人力资源规划设计与实施研究

    Research on Design and Implementation of HR Planning of YJ Hardware Company in Guangdong

  6. 本文以广东电网公司的县级供电企业SS供电局为例,对县级供电企业人力资源规划理论和过程进行了演示。

    In this paper , taking SS Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation as a case , it demonstrates the process of human resources planning of power supply enterprise .

  7. 尤其是对象BL公司这样发展迅速,内部管理薄弱的企业人力资源规划工作就显得尤其的重要。

    Especially to the company like BL with such a fast development , but weak in the internal management , the HR programming is particularly important .

  8. 作为一个传统国有煤炭企业,P公司有一定的代表性,在目前研究煤炭企业人力资源规划相对少的情况下,它的人力资源规划对类似的其他企业有一定的参考和借鉴意义。

    As a traditional state-owned coal enterprise , the P Company is representative . So , its human resource planning is significant and can be referred to by the similar other enterprises on condition that studies about the human resource planning of the coal enterprise are relatively few at present .

  9. 文章最后结合BL公司的实际情况提出了人力资源规划顺利实施的一系列保障措施和条件。

    The last part of the article is the series of supporting measures and condition to guarantee the HR project could carry out smoothly under the real situation of BL.

  10. 从人力资源规划的角度看,包含在HRIS中的信息对填补空缺岗位来说是不可缺少的。

    From an HR planning perspective , the information contained in HRIS files can be essential for filling vacant positions .

  11. 再是结合DY公司战略和人力资源规划,建立了基于职业生涯管理的拜师学艺的目标、关系、教学模型。

    Thirdly , the objectives , relationships and teaching models of apprenticing with the great masters based on the career management have been built , combined with the strategies and human resources planning of DY company .

  12. 在此基础上制定了HL集团公司未来5年的人力资源规划方案,并进一步制定了系列规划实施措施,以保证规划方案能得到切实的施行。

    Further more , taking the consideration of human resources demand and supply sides , it makes the 5-year human resources plan for the HL Company and makes a serial human resources planning execution steps to ensure that the plan can be executed practically .

  13. 地方民营企业人力资源规划及实施

    The Planning and Operation of Human Resource in Local Private Enterprise

  14. 人力资源规划对每一个公司或者其他组织来讲,都是至关重要的。

    Human resource planning is essential for each company and organization .

  15. 企业人力资源规划应该服务于企业发展战略目标。

    Human resources planning should serve the business development strategic objectives .

  16. 油藏经营管理的人力资源规划模型研究

    A Study on Programming Model of Human Resources in Reservoir Management

  17. 非专业工作人员人力资源规划

    Capital Works Resource Allocation Exercise human resources planning for non-professional Staff

  18. 供电企业人力资源规划及案例研究

    Human Resource Planning in Power Supply Enterprise and Case Study

  19. 山西省国土资源系统人力资源规划研究

    Human Resource Programming Research of Land and Resources System in Shanxi Province

  20. 人力资源规划离不开工作分析

    The plan of the human resources cannot leave the analysis

  21. 对以后客车企业人力资源规划具有一定的借鉴意义。

    For future passenger enterprise human resources planning has a certain significance .

  22. 构建科学的、战略性人力资源规划。

    To construct scientific and strategic human resource plan .

  23. 十一五期间民航人力资源规划

    Civil Aviation HR Plan During the 11th Five-year Period

  24. 甘肃省农村样本地区卫生人力资源规划研究

    Study on Health Human Resource Program in Sampled Rural Areas of Gansu Province

  25. 了解人力资源规划怎样对企业竞争优势起作用。

    Understand how human resource planning contributes to a firm 's competitive advantage .

  26. 描述人力资源规划的基本方法。

    Describe the basic approaches to human resources planning .

  27. 加强卫生人力资源规划和开发研究。

    Emphasize research on planning and exploration of health human resource . 3 .

  28. 人力资源规划和管理信息系统处

    Human Resources Planning and Management Information System Service

  29. 它可以通过人力资源规划、人力资源开发和人力资源流动等几方面来实现。

    The Research of Human Resources Planning Based on the Strategy of the Enterprise ;

  30. 主要介绍了人力资源规划和人力资源内部供给的概念、内容及其研究意义;人力资源内部供给研究领域的现状;

    It introduces the theory of human resource planning and human resource internal supply .