
  1. 当开发人员组合新的Web服务时,他们应该当心不要导致新的冗余。

    When developers compose the new web service , they should take care it does not result in new redundancy .

  2. 提出了过程方法模式的硬件、软件及人员组合系统(SHCS)各个要点,研究了持续提高顾客满意度的动态过程方框图。

    Main points of hardware , software and software human composition system ( SHCS ) of process method mode are stated . The dynamic process block diagram for continuously enhancing customer satisfaction is studied .

  3. 协调那些不和谐,但可以互补的人员组合;

    To tune inharmonious but relatively complemented personnel ? s combination ;

  4. 高校人员组合:现状、原则与方法

    Present State , Principle and Way of Staff Constitution in Colleges and Universities

  5. 知道如何去做并且拥有正确的人员组合的球队永远是热门儿。

    The team that knows how , and has the right combination of people , is always the favorite .

  6. 本次大赛号召软件开发人员组合使用世行数据及其自己的数据或其他来源数据。

    The competition invites people to mash up Bank data with their own data , or data from other sources .

  7. 本文从医院计量管理的特性、内容和方法,医院计量机构设置模式,计量人员组合,检定工作等几个方面进行了论述。旨在为医院计量管理工作奠定基础。

    Contents , and methods of the management ; models of measurement setup , optimized organization of measurement personnel sand also the increasing importance of measurement and assay work .

  8. 这样一来,WebSphereDataStage开发人员在组合两个或多个数据集时,就不必自行确定最佳连接策略。

    This removes the burden on the WebSphere DataStage developer to manually determine the best join strategy when combining two or more data sets .

  9. 这是生产作业的装配线,包括不同制造过程中机件与人员的组合。

    Working on an assembly line can be incredibly boring and tiring .

  10. 火灾报警和警卫人员巡回组合箱

    Combination fire alarm and guard 's tour box

  11. 在营业促销上要注意渠道的宣传和人员的组合,充分利用好自有营业厅和动感地带品牌店、社会销售渠道;

    In business promotion point , paying attention to integration of channel and personnel promotion and making use of self-owned channels , " M-Zone " brand stores ;

  12. 在任何相对复杂的应用程序中,Java开发人员将可能组合使用这些方法。

    Java developers will likely use a combination of these approaches in any relatively complicated application .

  13. 群体的心理构成与人员的优化组合

    Mentality Constitution of Group and Optimal Combination of Personnel

  14. 激励的四维结构及其二重均衡模型蕴含着企业研发人员激励策略组合的一些基本原则。

    Four-dimensions-incentive-structure and its duet equilibrium imply some basic rules of incentive strategy combination of R & D personnel .

  15. 侧重研究和拥有产业化经验的人员的最佳组合使得先进成熟的产品开发成为可能。

    Combining a research oriented and industrially experienced crew enables fast development of an industrially advanced and mature product .

  16. 小班化教学资源系统优化包括教学人员的优化组合、教学有形资源的优化配置、教学无形资源的有效利用;

    The optimization of teaching resources system focuses on the optimized combination of teaching staff , and tangible teaching facilities and the efficient use of intangible facilities ;

  17. 在面向团体或组织的密码体系中,要求某些指定人员的适当组合才能代表整个群体进行签名。

    In the cryptosystem oriented to group or organization , proper combination of some appointed personnel are required to stand for the signature of the whole group .

  18. 现在,调查人员正在致力于组合出费萨尔·哈扎德(FaisalShahzad)完整的形象。

    Now investigators have been working to a complete picture of Faisal Shahzad .

  19. 这些告诫应该小心,但不是阻止管理人员分析现代投资组合概念。

    These caveats should caution , but not prevent , managers from examining modern portfolio concepts .

  20. 研究人员发现,双胞胎组合中,较重的小孩患行为疾病的可能性高达41%。

    The researchers found that the heavier twin had more conduct problems in41 percent of the twin pairs .

  21. 投资组合管理人员定期检查投资组合中的主动性工作表现情况以及是否和设想的情况一致。

    The portfolio manager periodically reviews the performance of , and conformance to expectations for , initiatives within the portfolio .

  22. 摘要免征农业税后乡镇面临的问题不是机构、经费的简单增减和人员的“排列组合”问题,而是深层次的体制和机制问题。

    After the exemption of agricultural tax , the problem facing villages and towns is not the simple increase or decrease in organizations and funds or the " permutation and combination " of personnel , but institution and mechanism at the deeper level .

  23. 应用程序开发人员或系统集成人员可以通过组合一项或多项服务来构建应用程序,而不必知道服务的底层实现方法。

    Application developers or system integrators can build applications by composing one or more services without knowing the services'underlying implementations .

  24. 它能够帮助高级管理人员和IT计划及项目管理人员,完成项目组合及生产能力计划

    It gives senior managers and IT program and project managers complete portfolio and capacity planning