
  • 网络Human head portrait;human head picture
  1. 本文围绕着三星堆出土的兽面、人面、人头像、立人像、鸟形制品、青铜礼器等展开了讨论,并对鸟和人关系、青铜器技术的传来等问题作了探讨。

    This essay presents a discussion about the animal face , human face , human head picture , standing man picture , bird-featured product and bronze ware .

  2. 该系统由仿人头像机器人H&FROBOT-II本体、CCD图像采集设备、表情及面部器官控制系统、表情识别软件等部分组成。

    This system was composed with the human-head portrait robot H & F ROBOT-II body , the CCD image capture devices , the facial expression and organ control system , and the facial expression recognition software .

  3. 本文设计并研制了具有视觉、表情识别与再现功能的仿人头像机器人H&FROBOT-II系统。

    The human-head portrait robot system H & F ROBOT-II with vision , facial expression recognition and representation functions was designed and developed .

  4. 基于一维插值的人头像三维表面重建

    Reconstruction of the 3D Surface of Head Based on 1D Interpolation

  5. 你知道在钱上印人头像出自哪里吗?

    Do you know where the pictures on money came from ?

  6. 仿人头像机器人人工情感建模与实现的研究

    Research on Modelling and Realization of Artificial Emotion for Humanoid Head Portrait Robot

  7. 硬币上未刻有人头像标志的那一面。

    The reverse side that does not bear the representation of a person 's head .

  8. 金面青铜人头像神威无比,俨然天神下凡。

    Gold-Masked Bronze Human Head looks dignified as if he were a deity descending from Heaven .

  9. 11、现在你已经知道了伪钞的一些特征,那么关于人头像呢?

    11 . Now that you know some of the signs of a counterfeit bill , what about the pictures ?

  10. 仿人头像机器人是仿人机器人研究领域中实现人机情感交互的重要方向。

    The study of humanoid head robot is an important trend to realize human-computer interaction in the field of robotics .

  11. 研究发现,具有外向性的人头像色彩最丰富,而且头像照片上往往有好几个人。

    Extraverts were found to have the most colourful images , and tended to have profile pictures that contain multiple people .

  12. 此外,还出土有多件与真人头等大的青铜人头像,以及一些青铜兽头人像和人头面具。

    Also unearthed from the Sanxingdui site are several life-sized head sculptures of bronze , as well as animal head sculptures and masks , which are also of bronze .

  13. 青铜器除罍、尊、盘、戈外,还有大小人头像、立人像、爬龙柱形器和铜鸟、铜鹿等。

    In addition to the Bronze Age Lei , respect , plates , Ge , there are people head size , the legislature Portrait , climbing and dragon cylindrical copper birds , deer , such as copper .

  14. 本课题以仿人头像机器人相关技术为手段,构建仿人头像机器人软硬件研究平台,通过理论、仿真和实验对仿人头像机器人人工情感建模与实现进行深入研究。

    In the present study , the software and hardware platform of humanoid head portrait robot were developed with some related techniques of personal robots . The modelling and realization of artificial emotion for humanoid head portrait robot was deeply researched through theory , simulation and experiment .

  15. 岂是叫人垂头像苇子,用麻布和炉灰铺在他以下吗。

    Is it to bow down his head as a bulrush , and to read sackcloth and ashes under him ?

  16. 除了脸,这类人的头像更有可能包含其它事物,暗示他们“不随大流”,他们解释道。

    This group was also most likely to have a profile picture that contained something other than a face , indicating ' non-conformance , " they explain .

  17. 如果某个人注册了Facebook但我们不是好友,我会看到那个人的资料头像,以及加他为好友的链接。

    If someone was registered on Facebook but we weren 't friends , I saw that person 's profile photo and a link to add the person as a friend .

  18. 有人说它的头像马。

    Some people say it has a head like a horse .

  19. 在过去十多年来,我看到何见平的海报作品都令我印象深刻,有些常以人的五官,头像或肢体表现主题。

    In the past decade I could see how I was impressed by Jianping 's posters , with lots of facial features , head or limbs to reveal the theme .

  20. 斯芬克斯(也称狮身人面像)是一些巨石雕像,它们有着倾斜的狮身和人的头像。

    Sphinxes are massive stone statues that depict the body of a reclining lion with the head and face of a human .