
  • 网络civil air defence works
  1. 人民防空工程设计防火规范

    Code for fire protection design of civil air defence works

  2. 人民防空工程照明设计标准

    Civil air defence works lighting design standard

  3. 人民防空工程防护设备产品质量检验标准

    Check standard of protective equipment products quality for civil air defence

  4. 所以本文除侧重对人民防空工程进行分析外,也对地下空间进行分析。

    Besides analyze Civil air defense construction and also analyze underground space .

  5. 人民防空工程产权问题研究

    The Civil Air Defense Construction Property Right Problem Research

  6. 人民防空工程防护功能平战转换设计标准

    Design standard for protection function exchange of civil air defence works between peacetime and wartime

  7. 本文运用经济学、法学和公共管理学知识,对人民防空工程进行研究分析。

    This paper utilizes the knowledge of economics and the law and the public management to analyze civil air defense construction .

  8. 第二十六条国家鼓励平时利用人民防空工程为经济建设和人民生活服务。

    Article 26 The State encourages peacetime use of civil air defense works for economic development and the daily lives of the people .

  9. 人民防空工程专用设备的定型、生产必须符合国家规定的标准。

    The final design and manufacture of special equipment for civil air defense works must conform to the standards established by the State .

  10. 人民防空工程平时由投资者使用管理,收益归投资者所有。

    The works shall be put to use and management by the investors during peacetime and earnings be turned over to the investors .

  11. 国家鼓励、支持企业事业组织、社会团体和个人,通过多种途径,投资进行人民防空工程建设;

    The state shall encourage enterprises , institutions , social organizations and individuals to make investment in works of people 's air defence in various ways .

  12. 在目前国内尚无地下水下建筑防火规范的情况下,该工程设计除遵循了《高层民用建筑设计防火设计规范》外,还参照执行了《人民防空工程设计防火规范》。

    The design followed the stipulations in the related regulations on fire safety in highrise buildings and underground spaces because no special regulation for this kind project is currently available .

  13. 人民防空工程是国防建设的重要组成部分,是防备敌人空中袭击的重要设施。

    As an important part of the building up of national defense , the civil air defense project is a significant infrastructure for preventing the air attacks from the enemies .

  14. 论文第一章着重介绍了人民防空工程建设出处、演变过程及我国现阶段进行城市人民防空工程建设的必要性。

    First chapter thesis is stressed to introduce people 's air defence engineering construction source , development course and our country and is carried on the necessity of city people 's air defence engineering construction stage at present .

  15. 人民防空医疗救护工程设计标准

    Standards of medical aid engineering design of the civil air defence