
  1. 人生真实,人生诚挚。

    Life is real , life is earnest .

  2. 他们具有相似的艺术取向,都注重描绘人生的真实,追求永恒的人生况味。

    They have similar artistic orientation .

  3. 人生是真实的!人生是诚挚的!坟墓不是生命的终极。

    Life is real ! Life is earnest ! And the grave is not its goal .

  4. 平凡的人生是真实的。

    Commonplace life is reality .

  5. 小说、戏剧是让读者观看一种人生的真实生活图景。

    Fiction , drama is to allow readers to watch a live picture of the real life .

  6. 电视上演的并不是真实的人生,真实人生中每个人都要离开咖啡厅去上班。

    Meanwhile , television is not real life , real life that everyone had left the cafe to go to work .

  7. 一道从不曾有过的强烈的光,一道人生的真实的光突然射到他的心里。

    A ray of vivid light , a ray of the true light of the living , suddenly penetrated within him .

  8. 不但实现了重建楚文学的神话传统,而且揭示了现实人生的真实存在;

    Not only realized that has " rebuilt the mythical tradition of Chu literature " but also announced " the existing truly of reality life ";

  9. 那是我人生中唯一真实的存在

    is the only thing that 's real in my life .

  10. 这就是人生的全部真实意义。

    This is all that life really means .

  11. 正视今日!因为这就是人生,最真实的人生。

    Look to this day ! For it is life , the very true of life .

  12. 神话是人类形象思维的产物,涉及自然世界和人的主体世界,用形象的方式解释自然,表现人生,反映真实。

    Mythology is a product of human imaginary thinking involving nature and subjectivity , it explains nature imaginatively , expresses life and reflects reality .

  13. 摘要就其内在精神言之,通感有一种向“哲”的精神,一种对于宇宙人生深层“真实”透视和关怀的冲动。

    In view of its inner essence , synaesthesia embodies a philosophical quality , namely , a profound " true " perspective and an impulse to show solicitude to the universe and human life .

  14. 你正偷偷瞥看,瞥到人生世相的真实一面。

    You 're getting a hidden peek , a peek into the world of what 's really going on .

  15. 公民的审美价值观和闲暇价值观间存在显著相关性,闲暇价值观是审美价值观的真实反映,也是人生价值观的真实写照。

    Significant correlation existed between the leisure value and the aesthetic value . Their life values had direct effects on their aesthetic values and leisure values .

  16. 他们尝试着不同的人生形式,有真实宁和的生活之路,有纯美自由的艺术之路,有至善超脱的朝圣之路。

    They have tried various ways of life , among which there have been real and quiet way of living , aesthetic and free way of art and the most kind and detached way of worship .