
  • 网络The way of life;life path;life-paths;The Road
  1. 每年9月,成千上万的中国家长把自己心爱的孩子送进学校,期望着学校里的好教师们能把孩子引上一条适宜的人生之路。

    Every September , thousands of Chinese parents send their treasured children to school , where they expect there to be fine teachers who can lead children to a suitable life path .

  2. 这样虽然失去了一点无忧无虑的快乐,但是培养了忧患意识,能激起奋发向上的勇气,有利于增强抗挫折能力,走好人生之路。

    So although lost a little bit careless of happiness , but the sense of anxiety , cultivate the courage to arouse upwards , to strengthen the ability , good resistance to setbacks life path .

  3. 但那只是一纸学历,我丈夫早在童年时起就选择了自学的人生之路。

    But that is just on paper . My husband chose a life long path of self education early on since his childhood .

  4. 可是人生之路充满了不可预料的蜿蜒和转弯。

    But the world is full of unexpected twists and turns .

  5. 但愿团团今后的人生之路也是顺顺利利,充满阳光。

    I wish her a life full of happiness and sunshine .

  6. 永远不要让挫折和恐惧占据你的人生之路。

    Never let setbacks or fear dictate the course of your life .

  7. 人生之路的第四个路标上写着:关怀。

    Of the road of life fourth signs that read : caring .

  8. 这些小孩很容易被引诱走上犯罪的人生之路。

    These school children are easily tempted into a life of crime .

  9. 那确实是令人钦羡的人生之路。

    Surely that is an admirable way to lead one 's life .

  10. 愿你的人生之路铺满鲜花。

    May your road ahead paved with blooming flowers .

  11. 人生之路,童鞋起步。

    One 's life begins with children 's shoes .

  12. 那我们人生之路又该当怎样呢?

    That way our lives when what should do ?

  13. 人生之路谁不走?

    Everyone goes hi way in life .

  14. 除了我们自己,没有任何人可以为我们选择人生之路!

    Anyone can not choose a road of life for us , only our own .

  15. 今天的话题是“是什么为你照亮人生之路”,是一个关于价值观的题目。

    The topic today is What Illumines your Way of Life . It 's about value .

  16. 我的天啊!帮助我吧,让我更坚定吧,使我能够走你的人生之路。

    My God , help me and strengthen me that I may walk in Thy ways .

  17. 我独自漫步人生之路

    I travelled down a lonely road

  18. 一个人应当摒弃那些令人心颤的杂念,全神贯注地走自己脚下的人生之路。(英国史蒂文森)

    A person should abandon distracting thoughts and be absorbed in stepping well in his life course .

  19. 《孤儿档案》不是简单的影像作品,它对我的人生之路会产生重要影响。

    Orphan Archives is not a simple photograph work , but also a milestone in my life .

  20. 去学到那些能诚实地面对自己、不担心后果的人,人生之路能走得很远;

    To learn that those who are honest with themselves without considering the consequences go far in life .

  21. 他把自己的理论物理知识用于医学,并开始了积极反对核武器的人生之路。

    He swapped theoretical physics for the medical kind and began a life of vigorous opposition to nuclear weapons .

  22. 数学并非一切问题的答案,但是它能助你规划一条更好的人生之路。

    Mathematics is not the answer to everything , but it can help you to plan a better path .

  23. 人生之路犹如走棋一样,每走一步要理智,才能拥有胜利和成功。

    Life is like playing chess and we need to watch every step wisely to win the game and success .

  24. 我常想,如果我当年得到了蒙哥马利·沃德的那份工作,我的人生之路又会怎样走呢?

    I often wonder what direction my life might have taken if I 'd gotten the job at Montgomery Ward .

  25. 我也曾以为如果弄清了这些,我就会明确人生之路的方向。

    And I thought that if I knew that , then I 'd know what path I should take in life .

  26. 我相信在这样一个充满人类之爱的世界里,这些孤儿今后的人生之路不再孤独和无助!

    The orphans won 't feel lonely and helpless in the future in a world full of love , I believe !

  27. 祝愿你的真爱不仅“如死之坚强”,而且更能为你指引一条充满真爱的人生之路。

    May you find the love which is not truly stronger than death but which leads to a truly fulfilling life .

  28. 做一名志愿者可以引导人走向一条理想的人生之路,学会从课堂中学不到的东西。

    Being a volunteer takes individuals on a wonderful journey and helps them learn many inportant things beyond their school learning .

  29. 要让他们不仅仅能够顺利完成自己的学业,还要引导他们走上健康发展、积极向上的人生之路。

    Not only the successful completion of their studies , but also to guide them to the healthy development of their life .

  30. 无论你打算选择哪种人生之路,最重要的是自己做好准备。

    No matter what way in life you are prepared to take , the most important thing is to prepare well yourself .