
  • 网络Romantic Relationship;relationship
  1. 星象会让你对一段浪漫关系忧心忡忡。

    The planets are making you apprehensive about a certain romantic relationship .

  2. 于是他画了一个代表美丽浪漫关系的画。

    So he painted a beautiful romantic relationship .

  3. 可能会发现自己处于一种浪漫关系中;

    You may find your self in a romantic situation .

  4. 他会无条件地奉献作为浪漫关系基础的友爱。

    He gives his friendship unconditionally as a foundation in the relationship .

  5. 友情通常是浪漫关系的基础。

    Friendship is often the basis of romantic relationships .

  6. 她刚结束了一场六年的浪漫关系。

    She 's just finished a six-year relation ship .

  7. 与一个男子有浪漫关系的女孩或年青女子。

    A girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved .

  8. 海切库克的电影常常对传统的浪漫关系进行尖刻的审视。

    Hitchcock 's films often take a cynical view of traditional romantic relationships .

  9. 本文以建立浪漫关系的言语策略为研究对象。

    The present study focuses on the verbal strategies to establish romantic relationships .

  10. 只有需要短暂的浪漫关系时。

    Only when the romance has been necessarily brief .

  11. 高水平的不安全小三原因的浪漫关系的依赖程度很高。

    P3-High levels of insecurity cause high levels of dependency on romantic relationships .

  12. 天蝎座:当提到浪漫关系的时候你处在很好的位置。

    You will be in a great position when it comes to romantic involvements .

  13. 那么这种分分合合的浪漫关系现况如何呢?

    So what of this on-off romance now ?

  14. 他的爸爸彻底地离开了他的妈妈,现在正同别人展开一段新的浪漫关系。

    His father essentially left his mother and is now in a new romantic relationship .

  15. 问:这一季的最后一集给剧中很多潜在的浪漫关系带来了最终结果。

    Q. The season finale brought resolutions to many of the show 's potential romantic pairings .

  16. 父亲温暖理解对青少年浪漫关系以及其各个维度都有预测作用。

    The warmth and understanding of father had predictive value on adolescent romantic relationship and its dimensions .

  17. 那些在浪漫关系中的人也许跟随这个能量,在很快的时程中求婚然后结婚。

    Those involved in romantic relationships may follow the energy by proposing and marrying in rapid sequence .

  18. 父亲教养方式对青少年浪漫关系起到更大的积极作用。

    Compared to mother parenting style , father parenting style had more positive effect on adolescent romantic relationship .

  19. 当恋爱二人有单方或者双方都无法处理的问题时,很多浪漫关系因此破裂。

    Many romantic relationships fall apart when the couple has an issue that one or both parties cannot deal with .

  20. 研究人员专门地集中精力于欣快的、着迷的早期恋爱时期,而不是成熟的浪漫关系。

    The researchers specifically focused on the euphoric , obsessive phase of early love rather than more mature romantic relationships .

  21. 他们通过在斯坦福大学周围放置通知为这项研究招募在浪漫关系前几月的情侣。

    They recruited couples in the first few months of romantic relationships for the study by posting notices around Stanford University .

  22. 生气将致使心烦,但是对一段浪漫关系的热情能持续一生之久。

    Anger will lead to upset but passion to a very romantic relationship that has the potential to last a lifetime .

  23. 对(年青)女子非正式称呼。与一个男子有浪漫关系的女孩或年青女子。

    Informal terms for a ( young ) woman . a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved .

  24. 当金星移动到与你的星座相冲的位置达几周之久时,你的浪漫关系可能会经历一个重要的转型期。

    With Venus moving opposite your sign for a few weeks , your romantic relationship could be going through a major transformation .

  25. 你与异性保持一段时间的浪漫关系后,各种各样的小秘密就开始传出来了。

    After you 've been in a relationship for a while all sorts of little secrets start to come out of the woodwork .

  26. 可能遇到新的浪漫关系,但是,一定要确保在采取行动前你的动机不是自私的。

    New romantic ties can be made ; however , you must make sure that your motives are not selfish before you make your move .

  27. 本研究得到以下几个结论:1.青少年浪漫关系是一个多维度的心理结构,分为沟通,信任,亲密和激情四个维度。

    And we got the following conclusions : 1 . Adolescent Romantic Relationship was a multi-dimensional psychological structure including communication , trust , intimacy and passion . 2 .

  28. 这也意味着一段浪漫关系需要被明确,或者你会因为花费高昂而拒绝参与一项社会活动。

    This suggests that a romantic relationship may become clarified , or that you may have to decline going to a social event because of the hefty costs involved .

  29. 根据青少年浪漫关系的理论构想编制的《青少年浪漫关系问卷》具有良好的信效度,可以作为评价江西青少年浪漫关系的测量工具。

    Adolescent Romantic Relationship questionnaire had significant reliability and validity based on the theoretical hypothesis , and could be used as a tool of adolescent romantic relationship . 3 .

  30. 耶稣要为你谱写一个爱情故事,但你要警醒:你在这世上的婚姻或浪漫关系不是你的爱情故事。

    Jesus wants to write a love story for you , but don 't miss this . A marriage or romantic relationship on this earth is not your love story .