
  1. 和平是安全的基石,穷兵黩武无法带来美好世界。在科技高度发达和全球化的今天,战争对人类不仅是劫难,还可能导致毁灭。

    Bellicosity will not bring about a better world . Given the sophisticated technologies and the trend of globalization , war is not only a scourge for mankind ; it may even destroy human race .

  2. 这也是神灵们对人类作出似有:如人类再不人性化生存将有如恐龙般灭绝的重大人类大劫难性预警!

    This is also the God makes to the humanity seemed to be : If the human user-friendly survival will not have the significant human big disaster early warning which again like the dinosaur exterminates !