
  • 网络human value;humanistic value
  1. 中小城镇过份追求GDP的增长和简单的规模扩张,而相对忽视城镇的人文价值,城镇趋同化现象日趋明显。

    Medium - small towns pursuit GDP growth and scale expansion excessively , forgetting of the humanistic values of towns , and the phenomenon of convergence of towns is increasingly clear .

  2. 台州古塔的建筑特色与人文价值

    On Architectural Features and Humanistic Values of the Ancient Pagodas in Taizhou

  3. 在技术与文化的互动中形成的RD文化的核心是促进RD共同体和组织的知识共享,通过知识生产来创造社会的经济价值、生态价值和人文价值。

    The core of RD culture which develops in the interaction between technology and culture is to promote the knowledge sharing of RD community and organization so that to produce social economic , ecological and human value through knowledge production .

  4. 国学与西学:中西古典学的人文价值反思

    The Reflection of Humanistic Value Between Chinese Classics and Western Classics

  5. 科学理性价值与人文价值的统一

    The Unity of the Rational Value and Human Value of Science

  6. 重庆城市公共设施的形态特征与人文价值研究

    Research of Chongqing Urban Public Facilities Morphological Characteristics and Humanities Value

  7. 数学不仅具有重要的科学价值,同时还具有丰富的人文价值。

    Mathematics possesses not only scientific values but also humanism values .

  8. 观众的伦理诉求与故事的人文价值

    Ethical Requirements of the Audience and the Humane Value of Stories

  9. 教育的本质是对人文价值的学习。

    The essence of education is the study of human values .

  10. 现代技术的人文价值冲突及其整合

    The Conflict of Humanistic Value of Modern Technology and Its Integration

  11. 基因工程技术与人文价值有着复杂的关联性。

    Genetic engineering technology and human values have a complex relationship .

  12. 数学教育中的人文价值的主要表现。

    The main expression of humanism values in mathematical education .

  13. 科学技术的本质、价值基准及其人文价值目标

    The essence value standards and humanist value target of science and technology

  14. 文艺对构建和谐社会的特殊人文价值

    Value of Art and Literature to the Establishment of a Harmonious Society

  15. 试论纪录片中商业利益和人文价值的统一对立

    The Unity of Opposites of Commercial Interests and Humanism Value in Documentary

  16. 软件开发的人文价值支持系统

    On the Supporting System of Software Development in Humanities Values

  17. 高山族和黎族的槟榔文化及人文价值

    Areca Culture and Human Values Gaoshan Minority and Li Minority

  18. 文学语言的人文价值本性

    The Nature of the Humanist Value in Literary Language

  19. 土家族的四大礼仪及其人文价值

    Four Rites of Tujia Nationality and Their Humanistic Value

  20. 论文艺学的人文价值

    On the Humanistic Values of Arts and Literature Study

  21. 快餐之国为国为民的人文价值观;

    Humane values for the state and the people ;

  22. 在此阶段,公民的休闲意识以及休闲人文价值凸显。

    In that period , leisure awareness and humanistic values came into being .

  23. 第三,社会发展应更多地注入人文价值的伦理关怀。

    Thirdly , social development should pay more attention to the ethical concern .

  24. 中国新诗的人文价值使她成为语文教育不可或缺的重要内容。

    Chinese modern poetry is one of the indispensable contents in Chinese education .

  25. 中学物理人文价值与人文教育浅析

    The Analysis of Humanistic Value and Humanistic Education of Physics in Middle School

  26. 人文价值;素质教导;环境道德建设;绿色校园。

    Human values ; Quality education ; Environmental and ethical building ; Green Campus .

  27. 科学史的人文价值

    On Humanistic Value of the History of Science

  28. 略论体育的人文价值

    Brief Review on the Humanist Value of Sport

  29. 论设计美学中的人文价值

    On the Humane Value of Aesthetics in Design

  30. 逼近与还原&人文价值标准的确立与文学史重构

    Approximation and Restoration in Establishment of Humanistic Value Standard and Reconstruction of Literary History