
  1. 建筑构筑逻辑性的表现&江苏盐城亭湖区办公楼的构筑形态

    Logic Performance of The Building Construct

  2. 大钟亭综合服务楼的设计过程和与之相关的所有思考,都可归结为在现代商业和传统文化所构成的价值坐标体系中,寻找一个恰当的坐标点。

    All the design work and the thought about the Great bell Complex could be concluded as to seek a fitting point in the specific coordinate set by different values of modern commerce and traditional culture .

  3. 各地至今遗留着许多“拜月坛”“拜月亭”“望月楼”的古迹。

    Today we can still find many historic monuments such as " Worshiping-the-moon Altar "" Worshiping-the-moon Pavilion " and " Watching-the-moon Building " .

  4. 中国园林的特点,娇小玲珑的亭、台、楼、榭、山、桥、水、林,集中于方寸之地的景区之中。

    What is characteristic of the Chinese garden is that delicate and exquisite pavilions , terraces , Buildings , waterside pavilions , hills , Bridges , waters and trees are all arranged in a mini scenic spot .