
Research on Primary Application and Establishment of Chinese Human Genetic Resources Description Criteria
Research on the Application of Human Resource Management Information System in XinHua Corporation ;
In fact , gene patent and the protection of human genetic resources are two aspects of one question .
In the mid-1990s , a team of US researchers came to China 's Anhui province to carry out projects in human genetics .
The Chinese administration in charge of human genetic resources expected the US team to produce a working contract , which they would then approve .
Objective : To draft human genetic resources description criteria and standards of coding system . To design the project of Chinese human genetic resources information systems ( HGRIS ), study and utilize the human genetic resources information .
In recent years , with the gradual advanced use of genetic resources in the breadth and depth , genetic resources play an increasingly important role in the human production and life , even affect the future of the world economy .
Taking account of human dignity and food security , human genetic resources and plant for food and agriculture are excluded from the scope of benefit-sharing , because the object of benefit-sharing is limited .
Objective : Looking for the human phenotype blemish caused by injured DNA was the base of the collection and storage of the human genetic resources on the structure and function of the human genes .
The completion of the Human Genome Projection , both on quantity and qual-ity , has enriched the data resource of human genetic , which makes people easily lost in the oceans of information .