
  1. 不过现在转向研究人工智能的未来,这是一个可喜的改变。

    So it 's a welcome change that people are studying instead the future of intelligence .

  2. 数月前,我长途跋涉来到位于纽约州约克城高地的IBM研究实验室的林间园区,为的就是能早早一窥那近在眼前却让人期待许久的人工智能的未来。

    A few months ago I made the trek to the sylvan campus of the IBM research labs in Yorktown Heights , New York , to catch an early glimpse of the fast-arriving , long-overdue future of artificial intelligence .

  3. 塞尔的意向性理论与人工智能的未来

    The Searle 's Theory of Intentionality and the Future of Artificial Intelligence

  4. 你如何看待人工智能的未来呢?就我个人而言,我对此相当乐观。人工智能?

    How do you feel about the future of artificial intelligence ? Personally , I feel quite optimistic about it . AI ?

  5. 因此,人工智能的未来将有两到三家寡头公司统治,它们会开发出大规模基于云技术的多用途商业智能产品。

    As a result , our AI future is likely to be ruled by an oligarchy of two or three large , general-purpose cloud-based commercial intelligences .

  6. 早在2004年,谷歌的谢尔盖•布林就畅谈了人工智能的未来。他称,人工智将来将允许人类对手机说出“自己想要搜索的内容,然后就能获得答案。”

    Back in2004 , Google 's Sergey Brin talked about a future where AI would let you say into a phone " what you want to search for , and it will be pulled up . "

  7. 对于这两种策略的支持者来说,问题不仅仅是自动驾驶汽车,而是人工智能本身的未来。

    For champions of both strategies , the question goes beyond self-driving cars to the future of AI itself .

  8. 这可为人工智能理论的未来发展提供新的认识和新的方向。

    The mechanism approach and the harmonious unification of AI theories may hopefully provide a new understanding and hence a new direction for the future development of AI theory .

  9. 我相信人工智能会带来美好的未来。

    Well , I believe there 's a benevolent future with AI .

  10. 论文的目的就是通过分析人工智能研究纲领的发展历程:符号主义和联结主义研究纲领在实践中遭遇到困境和不足,以及对行为主义研究纲领的质疑,以探讨人工智能研究纲领的未来走向。

    This thesis aims at discussing the future trend of the artificial intelligence research program , through the analysis of development course of the artificial intelligence research program ( Symbolism and connectionism in practice experience difficulty and insufficiency , As well as to doubt behaviorism research guiding principle ) .