
rén cái kù
  • brain/talent bank
  • talent archives
人才库 [rén cái kù]
  • [talent archives] 储存人才档案、资料等的处所

  1. Fuzzy方法在人才库中应用的探讨

    Research of Fuzzy Method Application in Personnel Administration

  2. 高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)说,其招聘的经理大多数来自实习项目,而在摩根士丹利(MorganStanley),所有的MBA新人几乎都来自夏季实习人才库。

    Goldman Sachs Group Inc. says the majority of its associate hires come from internship programs , while the summer intern pool accounts for nearly all M.B.A. hires at Morgan Stanley .

  3. 例如,在跨行业CEO专题会议上,大多数公司都计划扩大招聘规模,同时打造新的人才库。

    For example , in a cross-industry CEO meeting on the topic , it was clear to me that most companies both planned to hire more people and build new sources of talent .

  4. 很多中投可能有兴趣购买其资产的所有者希望并期待,中投将花费多年时间建立一个世界级的人才库,RothCapitalPartners的一份调查报告称。

    Many owners of assets that CIC might be interested in buying are hoping and expecting that it will take years for CIC to build a world-class talent pool , Roth Capital Partners said in a research report .

  5. 德国的人才库深不可测,以至于马里奥·格策(MarioGötze)成了历届世界杯决赛中,首名以替补队员身份上场后攻入制胜球的球员。本周日,格策凭借着优美的进球帮助德国队赢得了在里约热内卢举行的决赛。

    The depth of Germany 's talent pool is such that Mario G ö tze , whose beautiful goal won the final in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday , became the first player to come off the bench to score the winning goal in a World Cup final .

  6. 《纽约时报》看到的一份内部概念文件显示,Aspire的高管最初把塞内加尔的那所学院当作一个为卡塔尔的足球俱乐部打造潜在“人才库”的地方,同时强化Aspire作为“世界上最优秀人才库的形象”。

    According to an internal concept document shown to The New York Times , Aspire executives initially saw the Senegal academy as a place to develop a potential " talent pool " for Qatari football clubs and to enhance Aspire 's " image as the world 's best talent pool . "

  7. 他们会把我的信息保存在他们的人才库里面。

    And they will retain my information in their candidate database .

  8. 女性为团队人才库带来不同的软技能。

    Women bring different soft skills to team talent pool .

  9. 基于语义的大型人才库检索方法研究

    Research on Retrieval Method for Large Talent Database Based on Semantic Web

  10. 关键在于未雨绸缪,建立自己的求职人才库以满足公司的人才需求。

    The key is to build your candidate pool before you need it .

  11. 浅谈图书馆人才库的新元素&图书馆技师

    Talking about the New Element of Talent Pool in Library & Library Technician

  12. 英国的政治领袖正来自一个日益狭窄的都市人才库。

    British political leaders are drawn from an increasingly narrow , metropolitan pool .

  13. 建立与管理拔尖人才库

    Establishment and Management of " Top Talents Resources "

  14. 为了保持竞争的优势,商家正在开发这一人才库。

    Firms are tapping into this pool of talent in order to remain competitive .

  15. 他表示:它提供了一个一流的人才库,所以招聘也就更容易。

    It provides an enhanced labour pool , so recruiting is easier , he says .

  16. 全球化还扩大了人才库,欧洲俱乐部可以从中吸纳更多人才。

    Globalisation has also deepened the pool of talent on which European clubs can draw .

  17. 维护现有的外部人才库;

    Supervise maintenance of external talent pools ;

  18. 招兵买马,更新人才库。

    Recruit hard for new talent .

  19. 管理和更新酒店人才库。

    Maintains and updates candidate database .

  20. 将获得的简历归档进数据库,以完善人才库。

    Get the CV and input to the database , to assist building up the recruiting pool .

  21. 当然,你所拥有的员工越多,你所拥有的人才库也就越大。

    Of course , the bigger your staff , the greater your resume value tends to be .

  22. 很高兴来到沃顿,这里向来是美林公司理想的人才库。

    I 'm happy to be here at Wharton , traditionally a wonderful source of Merrill Lynch talent .

  23. 为了发掘新的人才库,许多私人银行日益转向横向招聘。

    In search of fresh pools of talent many private banks have been increasingly turning to lateral hires .

  24. 通过人才库搜索、启动特定区域或行业的专业猎手和信息采集顾问,针对性地展开人才寻访;

    To start searching from the talents database , or by co-working with professional hunter or information consultants .

  25. 实际上,许多高管同时在多家公司董事会任职,这只会让商业领袖的人才库日益枯竭。

    The fact that many executives serve on multiple boards only reinforces the narrowness of the business leader pool .

  26. 广泛运用现代信息技术,加强人才库以及人才网络化管理的建设;

    Enhance the establishment of talent tank and network-based talent management by means of application of modern information technology ;

  27. 在人才库建设过程中,存在着一个信息采集、确认、审核到最后管理的流程。

    In the construction process , there exists a process management of information collection , confirm , audit . 2 .

  28. 在招聘活动中对应聘人员进行全程跟踪,并可将应聘人员在人才库之间进行灵活转换等。

    Track the job candidates in the whole process of recruitment and make flexible conversion to them among talent databases .

  29. 那些正在家里观看《犯罪现场调查》的年轻女孩所代表的,是一个庞大但还未被挖掘的人才库。

    The young girls at home watching CSI represent a sizable American talent pool that has yet to be tapped .

  30. 我们拥有行业内最顶尖的猎头顾问、造业领域最优质的高级人才库和强大的海外人士寻访网路。

    We have decades of the most professional consultants , the high quality talents database and foreign resource for searching .