
  • 网络Effective combination;Efficient Portfolio;Efficient Set
  1. 研究的结果显示,本文所研究的二个投资组合均不是有效组合,与有效组合的最小风险相比,该二个组合的收益率变动方差存在着很大的下降空间。

    Compare with the minimal risk of the efficient portfolio , the risk of these two portfolio could be reduced by a big margin .

  2. 该系统通过综合技术将惯性导航系统与差分GPS有效组合,不仅定位精度高、工作可靠,而且输出信息实时、连续;

    The system , by effectively integrating INS / DGPS , is not only with high positioning accuracy and working reliability , but also outputs real time and continuous information .

  3. 本文研究了一种码片速率的RAKE接收机,这种接收机在不估计多径时延的条件下可以使期望用户的多径信号有效组合。

    This paper studies a new type of RAKE receiver called chip-rate RAKE receiver . It can optimally combine the multipath of the desired user without evaluating the time delay of each multipath .

  4. 本文提出了一种混合的Tor匿名通信系统方案,它将Tor和Crowds匿名系统有效组合,充分发挥它们的优势,排除了Tor存在的安全问题,是一种高效、可靠的匿名通信方案。

    This paper proposes a mixed Tor anonymous communication scheme , it effectively mixes Tor with Crowds anonymous communication system , makes use of each excellence sufficiently , and obviates the security problems , thus it is an efficient and safe anonymous communication scheme .

  5. 一类风险证券有效组合的变动分析

    Fluctuation analysis of efficient frontier for a class of risky securities

  6. 中国货币政策的非对称性及宏观政策的有效组合

    Efficient Combination of Macro-policy and Non-symmetry about Chinese Monetary Policy

  7. 正是这些手段的有效组合帮助利比亚实现了解放。

    It was this effective combination of tools that helped liberate Libya .

  8. 周期函数的有效组合函数的周期性

    The Period of Efficient Combine Function of Periodic Function

  9. 这些形式的有效组合,构成了准噶尔盆地内有利的油气聚集带。

    Their proper combination formed favourable oil / gas accumulation belt in Junggar basin .

  10. 基金组合通过对基金的有效组合,能有效分散我国基金市场存在的投资风险。

    We can structure the fund portfolio to decrease the risk of fund investment .

  11. 不同测量方法有效组合,在高层建筑工程测量中能起到很好的效果。

    The combination of different measuring methods can make good effect during tall building measuring .

  12. 目前半朴素贝叶斯分类模型学习的关键是如何有效组合特征属性。

    The key of model learning of Semi-Naive Bayesian Classifier is how to combine feature attributes effectively .

  13. 提出了开发不同处理方法的有效组合将是印染废水深度处理工艺的研究发展方向。

    Developing the effective combination of different treatment methods will be the direction of dyeing wastewater advanced treatment .

  14. 能够将学科知识和教学知识有效组合的这种知识就被称为学科教学知识。

    Subject knowledge and teaching can be an effective combination of knowledge , this knowledge is called pedagogical content knowledge .

  15. 第二阶段,采用多目标决策模型,选择供应链业务流程的有效组合。

    The second-stage , which is a multiple target decision model , can be used to select efficient group of candidates .

  16. 自组织是通过基因积木的有效组合形成内部模型和生物共同进化来实现的。

    Living creatures accomplish self-organization by mutually effective combination of genetic building blocks which form internal model and by their coevolution .

  17. 本文阐明了中药复方的有效组合成份(部位)的概念及其在中成药在二次开发中的意义;

    To expound the concept of effective compounds in composite recipe of TCM , as well as its significance in re-exploitation of new drug .

  18. 论文将光刻、嵌段共聚物自组装、湿法腐蚀以及等离子体刻蚀等技术进行有效组合,成功实现了微米图案和纳米图案的有效整合。

    By combination with photolithography , self-assembly of block copolymer , wet etching and plasma etching , we successfully prepared Au micro-nano hybrid patterns .

  19. 本文讨论了均值-方差有效组合投资问题,给出了基于不同模型的有效组合投资的解析表达式;

    The traditional mean-variance model is discussed in this paper . A different analytical expression of efficient portfolio is given based on several different models .

  20. 核心竞争力是知识、能力的不断积累和有效组合,是一种动态能力,决定了银行的长期发展趋势和竞争优势。

    Core competence is the continuous accumulation of an effective portfolio of knowledge and capabilities and can be regarded as a type of dynamic capability .

  21. 根据马科维茨的定义,有效组合是指其单位收益的风险最小或单位风险的收益率最大。

    Optimizing portfolio is that the least risk in an unit return or the most return in an unit risk on the basic definition of Markowitz .

  22. 指出对不同处理方法进行有效组合是印染废水回用的研究发展方向。

    Meanwhile , developing the valid combination of different treatment methods will be the development direction of reuse of dyeing waste water . Wells are valid .

  23. 情趣教学是对教改实践的真实体现,是对课堂教学资源、生本资源的充分有效组合。

    Temperament and interest teaching method is the true reflection of teaching reform , it is an effective combination of classroom teaching resources and student resources .

  24. 在这片文章中,说明了什么是有效组合及有效组合函数,着重研究了有效组合函数、有效组合函数的导数和积分的周期性。

    This paper define the efficient combination and efficient combine function , study the periodic of efficient combine function derivative and indefinite integral of efficient combine function .

  25. 充分利用混凝土和钢材两种材料性能的特点,将两种材料有效组合,形成一系列新颖、高效的新构件、新体系。

    Efficiently compositing the two materials by sufficiently utilizing the concrete and steel material properties can form a series of innovative and high efficient structural members and systems .

  26. 广播广告文稿的话语结构成分有二:广告文稿主体,广告主题宣讲,两者进行多种有效组合。

    There are two components in discourse structure : the body of advertising scripts and the propaganda of the advertising topic . The two can make various effective combinations .

  27. 提出开发不同处理方法的有效组合和研究高效、经济、节能的印染废水处理反应器将是印染废水处理工艺研究发展方向。

    Developing the effective combination of different treatment methods and studying the reactor which is efficient , economic and energy saving will be the direction of dyeing wastewater treatment .

  28. 企业通过并购可以实现资源的有效组合与优势互补,为企业迅速做大做强提供了一条捷径。

    Through M & A enterprises can be an effective combination of resources and complementary advantages , these can help the enterprises become bigger and stronger by a short way .

  29. 如果一个策略只包含2个可选断言,那么将有4个有效组合,因此,正常情况下,策略将有4个替代。

    If a policy simply consisted of two optional assertions then there are effectively four possible permutations and hence , in its Normal form , there would be four alternatives .

  30. 录用、考核、薪酬、晋升、开发、奖惩等构成的激励制度体系和物质精神激励、正负激励构成的激励手段体系的有效组合。

    Make motivation system with employ , examine , salary , promote , development , rewards and punishments and motivating ways system with material and spirit motivating to combine effectively .