
  • 网络production integration;integrated production
  1. 论文从国际分工发展所引起的国际生产一体化的角度分析加工贸易发展的必然性;

    Firstly I demonstrate that processing trade is in great need for developing countries because of international production integration .

  2. 其中,本地产业链的培育可以通过参与式的开发模式、区域间的合作开发、合理引入外来投资、开发本地参与式的旅游产品及旅游商品生产一体化等方式实现。

    Among them , the cultivation of the local industrial chain can be achieved in such ways as extensively-participated development models , cooperated development of different place , the reasonable introduction of external investment , developing locally-participated tourism products and production integration of tourism commodities .

  3. 对外直接投资(FDI)和国际贸易是全球经济一体化,特别是国际生产一体化下的两种最重要的国际经济交往形式,两者的互动关系正日益加深。

    As the two most important aspects of the operation of international economy , foreign direct investment ( FDI ) and international trade become more and more interacted , under the background of economic globalization , and especially the integrated globe production .

  4. 地图制图与空间数据生产一体化理论和技术的研究

    The Theory and Technology of Integration of Map Production and Spatial Data Capturing

  5. 然而,通过化工生产一体化取得的节约远不止节能。

    However , savings through integration in chemical production go far beyond energy saving .

  6. 世界经济一体化、企业生产一体化、资本一体化和企业经营一体化最通行的方式是并购。

    The pop way for combination of the world combination of enterprises manufacturing and combination of capital is mergers & acquisitions .

  7. 经济全球化和生产一体化的今天,外商直接投资已经成为经济增长与社会进步的助推器。

    Under the background of economic globalization and producting integration , international investment has already became the booster of economic growth and social progress .

  8. 关于科研生产一体化进程中技术文件管理的思考

    The search on unity of production between Beijing City and Tianjin City Think of Technical Documents Management during Integration Process of Researching and Manufacturing

  9. 实施教学、科研、生产一体化是高等职业教育面对社会机遇、挑战、竞争的重要特色。

    It is an important characteristic to incorporate teaching , scientific research and production for higher vocational education facing opportunity , challenge and competition in the world .

  10. 在无任何原始资料的情况下,为生产一体化程度较高、结构相对复杂的航空绞车系统,并改进不合理结构,完善某些功能,而采用了反求设计技术。

    The inverse design technology was used for more integrated and complicated aeroengine winch system without any raw materials , which could improve the unreasonable structure and function .

  11. 对当前中国大学改革确立以人为本的现代办学理念,强化人才培养的办学目标,拓展教学、科研、生产一体化办学功能等进行理性思考。

    In the present chinese university reform , it is reasonably reflected to establish the modern school-running concept of humanism , to enhance talents training and to integrate teaching , research and production .

  12. 我国连铸&连轧生产一体化需要解决炼钢和轧钢两大生产流程工序在衔接、协调方面存在的不同步的问题。

    The problem that two major production processes steel smelting and rolling processes are not synchronized in convergence and coordination needs to be resolved in continuous casting-continuous rolling production integration in our country .

  13. 近年来中国大陆矿产资源评价,逐渐由单一的地质经济评价、静态评价、普查勘探阶段评价向综合评价、动态评价、普查勘探和开发生产一体化评价转变。

    In recent years , the focus of the assessment in China has been shifted from an economically static evaluation during exploration to the synthesized dynamic evaluation for exploration , development and markets as a whole .

  14. 未来两岸经贸合作则又呈现出由商品贸易向商品生产一体化转变,产业分工由以商品分工为主向以要素分工为主转变的趋势。

    The Cross-Strait trade and economic cooperation will have the follow trends : the cooperation will develop from commodity trade to product unification , and the industrial division will develop from the type based on goods to factors .

  15. 产学结合不仅是现代教育、科技与生产一体化发展规律的内在要求,也是高校与企业生存、发展的迫切需要。

    The integration of industry and education is not only the immanent requirement of the modern education , science and technology and production , but also the urgent need for the existence and development of institutions of higher learning and enterprises .

  16. 随着跨国并购风潮的愈演愈烈,经济全球化浪潮正在淹没传统意义上的主权国家的市场界限,贸易自由化、金融全球化、生产一体化、区域集团纵深化等以不可阻挡和不可逆转之势向前发展。

    Along with the surge of cross-border mergers and acquisitions , the trend of economic globalization is breaking through the market border of every sovereign country . Simultaneously , trade liberalization , finance globalization , and production internationalization are all becoming inevitable tide .

  17. 本篇论文具体分析电子行业分集团下属的分公司中处于源头的电子元器件公司在分集团的生产一体化战略下,如何更有效的实现自身作用,以支持整个集团发展。

    This paper concretely analyzes the electronics industry points in the subsidiaries of branch of electronic components in the source of the production of the integration strategy group points , how to more effectively realize own role , to support the whole group development .

  18. 提出了企业组织公司化、产权股份化、生产一体化、经营国际化的集团目标模式;同时也分析了实现这一模式所必要的企业体制和市场体制以及相应的对策。

    In addition to developing a desired pattern of stock system of property right 、 multi - divisionalization of organization 、 vertical integration of production and internationalization of operation , it also analyses the market and business system relative to this pattern , and propeses some government policy .

  19. Web服务在企业生产销售一体化系统中的应用

    An Integration Application of Production and Sales based on Web service

  20. 表明PI的应用对炼油厂的生产管理一体化设计具有重要意义。

    It shows that the application of PI has an important significance on the integration of production and management in refinery .

  21. 是一家电子行业从研发到生产销售一体化的企业,本文首先分析ZF公司的宏观环境。

    Is a electronics industry from development to production and sales of integrated enterprise , this paper analysis the government macro environment of the company .

  22. Granger因果检验的结果则进一步表明,生产非一体化和出口专业化是贸易一体化的原因,而资本化程度既是贸易一体化的原因,也是生产非一体化的原因。

    The results of the Granger Causality Test show that disintegration of production and specialization of exports contribute to integration of trade . Both integration of trade and disintegration of production are determined by the capitalization index .

  23. 焦化生产管控一体化系统的设计与实现

    Design on Integrated Management and Control System of Coke Oven

  24. 平果铝土矿生产复垦一体化工艺探讨

    Discussion on process of production and reclamation integration of Pingguo bauxite mine

  25. 企业计算机网络系统是支持企业生产经营一体化和信息集成的重要支撑环境。

    The enterprise Computer network is an important support for enterprise business and information integration .

  26. 燃机电厂生产过程一体化控制研究与实施

    Research & Application for the Control of Production Process Integration on the Gas Turbine Power Plant

  27. 表明生产非一体化对贸易一体化具有较高的解释能力。

    The result supports the hypothesis that disintegration of production can give explanations to integration of trade .

  28. 生产非一体化与能源利用效率&来自中国行业面板数据的经验研究

    Disintegration of Production and Energy Use Efficiency & An Empirical Analysis in Panel Data of Industries , China

  29. 贸易一体化与生产非一体化&基于经济全球化两个重要假说的实证研究

    Integration of Trade and Disintegration of Production : An Empirical Study Based on Two Important Hypotheses of Economic Globalization

  30. 研究提前期成本服从非线性函数和存在顾客流失时,单一需求方和单一生产商一体化库存管理问题。

    A single-vendor and single-buyer integrated inventory model is studied in consideration of nonlinear lead time crashing cost and lost sale .