
  • 网络Quality of life;quality of living
  1. 所以临床成果的指针应该是一个比较全面的模式,涵盖了身、心各方面的状况,例如健康情况、生活素质和对生活的满足感。

    Therefore clinical outcome measurement should be a more comprehensive bio-psychosocial model such as health status , quality of life and life satisfaction .

  2. 如果当选为蒙巴登单选区国会议员,张媛容将鞠躬尽瘁,努力提高蒙巴登区居民以及所有新加坡公民的生活素质。

    If elected as Member of Parliament for Mountbatten SMC , Jeannette will work hard to better the quality of life for Mountbatten residents as well as for all Singaporeans .

  3. 它不但对除害灭病有重要意义,且对经济的发展、工作环境、生活素质的提高有重要意义。

    It is of great importance to annihilation of pests , as well as to economic development , working environment and improvement of quality of living .

  4. 一方面,我们必须明于天人之分,充分发挥人的主观能动性去参与自然的创造和化育过程,从自然中获取财富,提高人类生活素质;

    On one hand , we should be aware of the " separation of human and nature " and fully play our dynamic role to remark nature , thus obtaining wealth from nature and improving our living standard .

  5. 公民教育帮助人提高自己的生活素质和生命素质,公民教育指向的是人的幸福,这是教育的归宿,也是社会发展的归宿。

    Civic education to help people improve their quality of life and quality of life , civic education is a human point of happiness , this is the ultimate goal of education is the ultimate goal of social development .

  6. 我们必须制定长远房屋策略,完善地区规划,建立土地储备,迅速回应市场和社会对土地需求的变化,以提升香港的竞争力,并且逐步提高香港人的生活素质。

    We will formulate a long-term housing strategy , improve district planning and set up a land reserve to respond swiftly to changes in market . This will enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong and improve the quality of life for our people .

  7. 高职院校应有意识地加强对学生进行科学的生活素质教育,以全面提高受教育者素质,为社会培养合格公民、合格劳动者。

    In order to improve the qualities comprehensively of the educated people and to train the qualified citizens and working people for our society , the vocational technical college should consciously carry out the scientific teaching of living competence and the guiding of living among the students .

  8. 略论高校学生网络生活的素质关怀

    The quality concern on students of the Internet era

  9. 信息技术的广泛应用改变了人们的生活,素质教育应该结合这一时代背景。

    Now people 's life has been greatly changed by extensive application of information technology , quality-oriented education should keep pace with the time .

  10. 重要的不是分数,而是具备将学到的知识应用于日常生活的素质。

    It isn 't the grades that are so important , but the quality of what is learned and ow it is applied to daily life .

  11. 结论对发锌缺乏患儿及时诊断,及早治疗,加强喂养指导,对提高儿童生活及健康素质尤为重要。

    Conclusion To advance diathesis of health and life , it 's important to find and treat zinc dificiency in children in time .

  12. 本文认为闲暇教育直接影响居民生活质量和素质水平。随着社会经济发展和物质生活水平的提高,闲暇教育开展需要引起人们的重视。

    The author believes that the leisure education influences the quality and standard of people directly , which has been received more attention accompanied by the development of social economy and the improving life standard .

  13. 培养特定政治制度所要求的、具有适应和参与一定政治生活的政治素质的人,使他们能按照特定社会的“主流政治”的要求去思考和行动是当今教育的一大重要任务。

    It is of great significance in education to cultivate people adaptable to some political life and qualified for the given political system education and fit themselves for the requirements of specific " mainstream politics " .

  14. 然而,目前农村进城务工人员在城市的工作和生活以及自身素质提高方面存在诸多问题,从而阻碍了农村劳动力转移和城市化的进程。

    However , the migrant workers from rural areas have a lot of problems in work , living , and self-quality improving in urban , which is hampered the transfer of rural laborers and urbanization process .

  15. 加快西部民族贫困地区女童教育的发展是提高女性生活质量和素质、促进西部地区经济发展和社会进步的客观要求。

    Speeding up the development of girl education in the western ethnic area is the objective demand to improve life quality and qualification of women and to promote economic development of the western area and social progress .

  16. 分析了人文主义教育、生活教育、素质教育、新课程改革与生命教育之间的关系,阐述了生命教育的理论基础。第三部分,初中语文教学与生命教育的关系。

    The theories foundation of life education in Chinese language teaching in the junior high school . Analyzing the relationship between life education and humanistic education , life education , quality education , the new curriculum reform to set forth theoretical basis of life education . 3 .

  17. 在实施中国现代化建设的宏观战略中,有一系列战略重点要突破,农业现代化、农村城镇化和农民生活改善与素质提高,始终是一个战略重点。

    In the process of modernization in China , a breakthrough is necessary in a series of strategic focal points , one of which is the modernization of agriculture , the urbanization of the rural areas and the improvement of the living standard and the synthetical quality of the peasants .

  18. 生活体验是人文素质的重要组成部分。

    The living experience is an important component of the humane quality .

  19. 这些无疑是大学生学习、生活成功的必要素质。

    These qualities are undoubtedly necessary and important for their success in life .

  20. 野外生存生活训练&大学生素质教育的有效途径

    Training in Surviving and Living in the Field an Effective Way of All-Round-Development-Education for College Students

  21. 贮藏方式和年限对油菜种子生活力及幼苗素质的影响

    The influence of duration and method of storage on viability of seeds and seedling of D. napus

  22. 大学生精神生活:高等学校素质教育的重要切入点

    The cultural life of college students : the main part of college education for all round development

  23. 加强研究学习是当代大学生提高生活质量与文明素质的需要。

    The strengthens the study is the need of contemporary university student enhancing quality of life and civilized quality .

  24. 民族服饰作为民族文化的生动载体,它不仅是各民族外在的显著标志及其生活习俗、心理素质、审美观的体现,更是各民族社会历史发展轨迹的画册。

    Like an album , ethnic costume embodies its culture , is a remarkable sign of ethnic customs , understanding and artistic appreciation .

  25. 民族是历史上形成的具有共同地域、共同语言、共同经济生活和共同心理素质的人群共同体。也是一个亚文化群体。

    Nation is a historically established human and sub-culture community , occupying the same territory , speaking one language , living an economic life and sharing common psychology .

  26. 随着现代社会经济的迅速发展,人们生活水平和文化素质的提高,体育运动已成为社会发展和人们生活所不可缺少的文化内容。

    With the rapid development of modern social economy and the improvement of people 's living conditions and cultural qualities , sports activities have become an indispensable part of people 's cultural life .

  27. 良好的人际交往能力,是维系中学生心理健康的重要保证,也是他们未来事业成功和生活幸福的必备素质。

    Excellent ability of Communication is not only the important guarantee to maintain the students ' mental health , but also the necessary quality for their successful career and happy life in the future .

  28. 学习型社区能有效培养社区成员的共同利益意识和归属感,发挥社区成员参与学习积极性,提高社区成员的生活质量、文化素质和促进本社区的可持续性发展。

    And a Learning-based community can guarantee the sense of common interests and belonging , enthusiasm for learning , the improvement of its members ' living standards , quality , and sustainable development of the community .

  29. 中学健美操随着中学体育教学的发展,在丰富校园文化生活、推进学生素质教育、实现学生全面发展等方面起着越来越大的作用。

    Middle school aerobics with the development of high school physical education , in enriching campus cultural life , promoting quality education of students and achieving overall development of students etc. play an increasingly larger role .

  30. 哈尼族由于其在历史上形成的独特的哈尼语言、生活地域、经济生活和民族心理素质而形成了具有哈尼族特色的哈尼文化区。

    Hani nationality has formed its special culture region by Hani language , living area , economical living and consciousness in its long history .