
  • 网络Effective bandwidth;available bandwidth;EBW
  1. 采用自适应FEC的卫星ATM网络的有效带宽估计

    Estimation of Effective Bandwidth for Satellite ATM Networks with Adaptive FEC

  2. 基于宽带无线IP网络的有效带宽概念,提出了一种能自适应调整蜂窝录入控制阈值的录入控制算法。

    By means of the effective bandwidth concept in broadband wireless IP network , this paper proposed an algorithm of call admission control that can adjust the threshold of call admission control adaptively .

  3. 在固定有效带宽、时变有效带宽情况下和同种、异种业务环境下,研究了RED算法的通过率、公平性和时延等性能。

    The throughput , fairness and delay of RED algorithm are studied in the environment of homogeneous and heterogeneous traffic and in the environment of time varying available bandwidth .

  4. 测量端到端路径的有效带宽对于QoS管理,流量工程,拥塞控制,优化网络路由以及改善端到端的传输性能都有重要意义。

    Measuring available bandwidth on an end-to-end path is important to QoS management , traffic engineering , congestion control , optimizing network routing and improving end-to-end transport performance .

  5. 一种新的跳频宽带瑞利衰落信道模型以每秒1M个码元的字符速率传输,充分利用信道的最大有效带宽。

    New model for frequency hopping wideband Rayleigh fading channels 1Ms / s symbol rate exploits maximum available channel bandwidth .

  6. :分析了TCP发送缓冲区的结构,并提出一个动态分配TCP发送缓冲区的方法,保证TCP连接以最大有效带宽发送数据。

    This paper analyzes the structure of TCP sending buffer , then proposes a dynamic approach to allocate TCP sending buffer in order to guarantee TCP connection working under the maximum available bandwidth .

  7. 研制了一种用于GIS局部放电检测的宽带特高频外部传感器,其有效带宽为300~3000MHz。

    This paper designed and developed a new UHF sensor , namely plane spiral antenna , with effective bandwidth of300 ~ 3000MHz .

  8. 研制了宽带和窄带两种超高频外置天线传感器,两种传感器增益均大于1,驻波比在其有效带宽范围内均小于2,均能用于GIS局部放电超高频检测。

    The two ultra-high frequency outer antenna sensors are made with wide band and narrow band respectively . The gain of two sensors is both greater than 1 and VSWR of the sensors is less than 2 in effective bandwidth range .

  9. 以每秒1M个码元的字符速率传输,充分利用信道的最大有效带宽。时分复用实现对两路或者两路以上信号的合成,旨在提高信道的利用率。

    1Ms / s symbol rate exploits maximum available channel bandwidth . TDM is able to synthesize two or more signals to make sufficient use of transmission channel .

  10. 首先介绍了网关功能分离的思想和方法,然后介绍了Internet与PSTN互通的几种可能方案及其质量控制方法,尤其详细介绍了有效带宽在其中的应用。

    The separation of gateway function and some related schemes for the connection between Internet and PSTN are introduced with some possible service quality control methods , especially on the application about the use of the effective bandwidth concept .

  11. 根据GIS中超高频检测的经验,并结合变压器的结构和放电特性,该文研制了一种宽带超高频传感器,其有效带宽为500~1500MHz。

    According to the detection experience in GIS and the discharge characteristics in power transformer , authors design and develop a kind of UHF sensor , namely , two-wire Archimedian planar spiral antenna . The effective wide band of the sensor is 500 ~ 1500 MHz .

  12. 针对采用自适应前向差错控制(AFEC)的卫星异步传递模式(ATM)网络,研究了两种有效带宽估计方法。

    This paper presents two effective bandwidth estimation methods for asynchronous transfer mode ( ATM ) technology over satellite networks with adaptive forward error control ( AFEC ) .

  13. 本实验条件下可获得有效带宽大于3GHz,10dB以下的反射衰减。

    In this research , the composites obtained a reflection loss above 10 dB over 3 GHz bandwidth .

  14. 使用有效带宽(EBW)来量化业务流的资源需求,EBW不但依赖于业务流的统计特性,还依赖于连接的操作点。

    This paper uses effective bandwidths ( EBW ) to quantify resource demand . EBW depends not only on statistical characteristics of traffic streams , but also on link 's operating point .

  15. Glan-Thompson棱镜在光学领域有着重要的应用,透过比的高低和有效带宽的大小,直接影响着棱镜的品质。

    Glan-Thompson prism has important applications in optical field . The quality of prisms are directly affected by the transmissivity and the bandwidth .

  16. 其中,多天线技术能充分利用空间资源,增加无线信道的有效带宽,大幅度提升通信系统的容量,而成为3GPPLTE规范中的关键技术。

    Among this , multi-antenna technology can use the space source fully , increase the effective bandwidth of the wireless channel , and improve the capacity of the communication system vastly , so it is the key technology of 3GPP LTE specification .

  17. 对于前者,纤维间距较宽时(如:8mm,6mm),材料的吸波效果很差,随着纤维间距进一步减小(6mm→4mm→2mm),材料的有效带宽和最大吸收峰值均明显增大;

    As to the former , with the decrease of the distance between SiC_ ( f ), radar absorption bandwidth and the maximum absorption peak exhibited an enhancement , as though radar absorption effect was weak when the distance was wide ( such as 8mm , 6mm );

  18. 距离&多普勒成像雷达的距离分辨力和横分辨力分别取决于发射信号的有效带宽和目标相对于雷达视线(RLOS)在相于处理区间内的转角。

    The range resolution and the cross-range resolution of range-Doppler imaging radars are related to the effective bandwidth of transmitted signal and the angle through which the object rotates the relatively to the radar line of sight ( RLOS ) during the coherent processing time , respectively .

  19. 一种基于主动测量的有效带宽测量模型研究

    Research on an Available Bandwidth Measurement Model based on Active Probe

  20. 一种改进的基于包对模型的有效带宽测量方法

    An Improved Available Bandwidth Measurement Method Based the Packet Pair Model

  21. 在此基础上,设计了一种网络传输有效带宽使用的估计算法。

    An available bandwidth estimation algorithm is implemented in this paper .

  22. 基于支持向量机的有效带宽估计算法的研究

    Research on Available Bandwidth Estimation Algorithm Based on Support Vector Machine

  23. 本文采用模拟分析方法对并行处理机中交叉存储器的访问冲突及有效带宽的计算进行了研究和探讨。

    The conflict and the effective bandwidth of interleaved memories were studied .

  24. 环程光程随机扰动时光纤环形腔的有效带宽

    Effective Bandwidth of a Fiber-Optic Ring Resonator with Round-trip optical Length Fluctuation

  25. 基于有效带宽的无线因特网自适应录入控制策略

    Adaptive Call Admission Control Scheme Based on Effective Bandwidth in Wireless IP Network

  26. 多总线多处理机系统有效带宽分析

    Analysis of Effective Bandwidth of Multiple Bus Multiprocessor Systems

  27. 该协议在减少系统远程访问延时,提高系统有效带宽方面有较好的效果。

    This protocol has good effect at reducing the remote memory access latencies .

  28. 网络带宽主要包括:链路带宽和有效带宽。

    Bandwidth includes Link bandwidth and available bandwidth .

  29. 自适应光学控制系统的有效带宽分析

    Effective Bandwidth Analysis of Adaptive Optics Control System

  30. 数值结果表明采用修正因子的有效带宽估计方法比较简单可靠,适用面较广。

    The numerical results show the second method is simple , effective and widely applicable .