
  • 网络Warehouse receipt pledge loan;Warehouse Receipt hypothecating loans
  1. 金融危机背景下的供应链金融业务的风险应对机制&以仓单质押贷款业务为例

    The Risk Based on Financial Crisis of Supply Chain Financial Services Coping Mechanisms

  2. 商业银行的中小企业仓单质押贷款业务风险控制

    Risk Control in Lending Business Pledged by Warehouse Receipts

  3. 再次,是银行开展仓单质押贷款业务的模式、运作流程及典型案例分析。

    Thirdly , the paper analyzes the model and process of the bank to carry out the PWR business .

  4. 本文设计出了一系列仓单质押贷款质押率的判断指标,其目的就在于对仓单质押贷款业务的风险进行有效的控制,相对地降低风险。

    A series of warehouse judgment target for valid control of hazard are designed out , cutting down the hazard relatively .

  5. 于是,论文得出了基于银行统一授信和价格波动率博弈分析下的不同仓储策略的仓单质押贷款质押率计算模型。

    Thus , based on Bank-Integrated-Credit and Game-Analysis model of price fluctuation-law and different warehouse strategies , a computing model of loan-pledge-rate is concluded .

  6. 仓单质押贷款区别与其他贷款业务的关键在于,发贷银行和贷款企业之间存在仓储公司作为双方的信用中介。

    The key point differentiating Warehouse list loan from else loan mortgage is store corporation as credit intermediary between bank of loaner and company of borrower .

  7. 我国的标准仓单质押贷款仍处于发展的初始阶段,相关的业务机制和操作流程并非十分成熟。

    Due to the embryonic stage in which the standard warehouse receipt hypothecation loan in China stays , the relevant business mechanism and procedures are not quite mature .

  8. 为匹配仓单质押贷款的发展速度,银行业需进一步提高业务的风险控制水平,而确定合适的质押率是质押贷款的关键环节,对于银行风险调控有着重要意义。

    Banks need to further improve the method of business risk control to match the pace of development of warehouse receipts pledge . The pledge-rate is the appropriate key to the Pledge and has an important significance for bank risk control .