
shì nǚ
  • A lady;beauty;traditional Chinese painting of beautiful women;noble woman;maid of honour
仕女 [shì nǚ]
  • (1) [maid of honour]∶宫女

  • (2) [beauty]∶以美女为题材的中国画。也作士女

  • 既画人物、仕女,也画山水、花鸟

  • (3) [noble woman]∶旧指贵族官僚家庭的妇女

仕女[shì nǚ]
  1. 论文完成的主要工作是:1、简述了唐代仕女画的发展分期、代表作品、风格技法和历史地位。

    The paper complete the tasks : 1 . outlines the development of the traditional Chinese Painting of beautiful women in the Tang Dynasty in phases , representative works , styles , techniques and historical status .

  2. 唐代是中国传统仕女画的黄金时期。

    Tang Dynasty is a Golden Age of the traditional Chinese Painting of beautiful women .

  3. 台北卡洛儿精品仕女服饰,年轻妈妈的不二选择!

    Taipei carol competitive trappings , young mummy 's first choice !

  4. 论唐代墓室壁画仕女形象艺术风格的演进

    Artistic Style Development of the Maiden Images in Tang-dynasty Tomb Fresco

  5. 仕女艺术源远流长。

    The art of beautiful ladies dates back a long time .

  6. 人物画中的另一个领域是仕女画。

    The painting of beautiful women was another field of portraiture .

  7. 张萱、周昉是这一时期著名的仕女画家。

    Zhang Xuan and Zhou Fang is this period famous lady painter .

  8. 织,仕女打着伞儿漫步雨中。

    Knit , the women beat the umbrella son stroll rain in .

  9. 明清仕女画的特征

    Characteristics of Beauty Painting in the Ming and Qing Dynasty

  10. 仕女人物又是人物画一个重要组成部分。

    And young woman painting is an important component of character painting .

  11. 浅析传统仕女画中的古代女性美

    Analysis of the Traditional " Painting Ladies " of the Ancient Female Beauty

  12. 活像是在马球赛场上见过的那一位高傲仕女。

    Like that haughty creature at the polo match .

  13. 我的好魏公,来看看我的新仕女,小妮。

    My old Wei Gong , Come and meet my new maid , Xiao Ni .

  14. 两宋文人画中的审美意趣:尚意、主体精神与题材仕女画秋风纨扇的艺术图式与审美意趣

    The Aesthetic Orientation of Literati Painting in Song Dynasty : Imagery , Spirit and Theme

  15. 分析观音佛教形象审美与仕女世俗审美的共同点和相似性。

    Analysis Guanyin Buddhist image of the aesthetic and ladies secular aesthetic commonalities and similarities .

  16. 仕女画是我国传统人物画的一个重要组成部分。

    Beautiful , ancient ladies are an important part of the traditional Chinese paintings of people .

  17. 唐代仕女画之美

    On the beauty of small paintings

  18. 是目前全世界范围内唯一认定的唐代仕女画传世孤本。

    Is currently the only recognized worldwide tang handed down only existing copy of seeing painting .

  19. 从《簪花仕女图》探看唐代仕女画的审美风格

    On the Painting Style of the Tang Dynasty Through the Picture A Beauty Wearing a Hairpin

  20. 仕女画作为中国画中的一个分支,已有几千年的历史,其意义更是不言而喻。

    Beauty painting as a branch of Chinese painting has a history of thousands of years .

  21. 元后,文人画的兴起,包括仕女画在内的工笔画其势渐危,随着中国历史进入新时期,中国画坛也出现了新的面貌。

    History enter new period with China , Chinese painting circles presented the new appearance too .

  22. 而仕女的坐姿又和背景的青瓷花瓶的形态互相呼应。

    The elegant posture of the lady echoes the form of Chinese blue and white ceramics .

  23. 研究唐代仕女画对弄清唐代美学思想演变具有很好的价值。

    Tang ladies painted on the clear ideological evolution of the Tang Dynasty aesthetics good value .

  24. 苏菲,也就是坐在那里的高贵仕女…我喜欢这个口味

    Sophie , that classy lady right over there ... Mm , I like this one .

  25. 中国古代仕女画从产生到现代,出现过许多的风格样式。

    Ladies Ancient Chinese Painting from the creation to modern times , there have been many styles .

  26. 论唐代仕女画的神与形

    Talk about " Verve " and " Form " of the Noble Woman Painting of Tang Dynasty

  27. 她觐见过皇上吗?在进过宫的仕女们中,我好象没有听见过她的名字。

    Has she been presented ? I do not remember her name among the ladies at court .

  28. 恰好弥赛菈说了点话,修女随即和其他仕女一同放声大笑。

    Myrcella said something then , and the septa laughed along with the rest of the ladies .

  29. 最后,笔者将结合自己关于仕女画的创作实践,谈一点创作体会。

    In the end , the author will share her own experiences of practice when creating beauty paintings .

  30. 那杨柳青年画儿呢主要是以人物为主的,其中仕女图和娃娃图是最受欢迎的。

    Yangliuqing new year 's pictures feature mainly figures , including old-style maids and babies , whichare most popular .