
shì tú
  • official career
仕途 [shì tú]
  • [official career] 指做官的历程

  • 仕途艰难

仕途[shì tú]
  1. 但其仕途却因他的耿介性格偃蹇不顺。

    But his official career was tired out because of his straightness .

  2. 他的保台计划和实践也以其个人声誉和仕途为转移。

    His plan of safeguarding Taiwan was to defend his own reputation and official career .

  3. 随着仕途晋升,他们可以在部门间随意调动。

    They move freely from one department to another as they ascend the civil service ladder .

  4. 这些城市的官员正是通过基于GDP的政绩考核打造成功仕途的,这使得他们很难调整政策焦点。

    Officials in these cities have built successful careers from on GDP-based evaluation , making it difficult to adjust their policy focus .

  5. 隐逸:仕途憧憬的逆向缓冲&唐末诗人的隐居与诗歌创作

    Seclusion and Poetry Writing of Poets in the Late Tang Dynasty

  6. 克林顿的仕途虽然谈不上坎坷,但是,他有时看起来内心充满矛盾。

    Clinton 's not tormented , but he does seem conflicted .

  7. 他一生之中也因此多次遭受打击,仕途坎坷。

    His whole life has hit so many times , career frustrations .

  8. 大致分三个时期:一、初入仕途。

    Broadly divided into three periods : one , entering the career .

  9. 清代对来华外国人学习中文态度的演变阮籍仕途心理浅析

    The Evolvement of Attitude towards the Foreigners ' Studying Chinese in Qing Dynasty

  10. 当然这一紧一松,与二人的性格和仕途经历有密切关系。

    Their different ways are closely related with their personality and official careers .

  11. 他的仕途并非一帆风顺。

    His political career was not all plain sailing .

  12. 尽管他否认,但这一丑闻让他的仕途止步,但调查也就此停止了。

    Despite his denials , the scandal ended his career and stopped the probes .

  13. 国子学生员的仕途主要有岁贡和科举两条途径。

    There were two main ways to start official career : annual tribute and imperial examination .

  14. 仕途,对每个人很重要,但飞黄腾达的能有几人?

    Career , for everyone is important , but the meteoric rise of energy , few ?

  15. 一是他的积极于仕途,追求功名的态度。

    One is his positive in business , pursue the attitude of the merit and fame .

  16. 与此同时,一些有办企业潜力的人可能会选择走上仕途。

    In the meantime , people who might be successful entrepreneurs choose instead to seek political power .

  17. 本文对仕途观的观念系统结构进行了初步建构;

    This paper makes a primary suggestion about the system structure of the view on being an officer ;

  18. 虽然他一生科场失意,仕途坎坷,但康国济民之志终身不改。

    Although his official career was rough , his ideal of restoring country and helping people never changed .

  19. 李唐画作中所表达的隐逸情感不是一般士大夫仕途不得志,心情哀怨的情感。

    Li Tang paintings seclusion emotional expression is not an ordinary literati career frustrated , sad emotional mood .

  20. 在诗的主题上西方多表现美好的爱情生活而中国则常常反映仕途失意的情绪;

    The West idylls mostly depict the fire love , but chinese idylls disappointment in the official career .

  21. 第一章按仕途分期,对黄庭坚的行踪及其纪行诗作概要叙述。

    The first chapter by career stage , the whereabouts of their adventure in poetry Huang Ting summary statement .

  22. 一些经济学家表示,省级官员为改善自己的仕途而夸大地方经济增长的动机十分巨大。

    Some economists say provincial officials have enormous incentives to improve their career prospects by exaggerating local economic growth .

  23. 虽然他的仕途得利于20世纪90年代,但是他特别强调自己当政时期和那个时代很不一样。

    Though he owed his career to the 1990s , he stressed that his own times were very different .

  24. 如果您正在寻找一个能够在一家迅速发展并具有活力的公司中发展您的仕途,这将会是个完美的职位。

    This is the perfect position if you are looking for career development within a growing and very dynamic company .

  25. 他们身世凄苦,仕途坎坷,他们学习贾岛,苦吟为诗。

    Their miserable life experience , rough careers , learning poetry from Jia Dao , assiduously writing poetry are known to us .

  26. 我深信,不管你身在仕途,你的愿望,创造更多的收入吧。

    I am sure that no matter where you are in your career , you desire to create more income for yourself .

  27. 傅亮的交游不广,带有很浓的政治色彩;仕途前期平顺,后期未得善终。

    Fu Liang Intercourse is not wide , with a very strong political overtone . Smooth early career , later without hospice .

  28. 主要依据《明史》文献材料,从晚明宫帷朝政纷争环境来考察魏学曾的仕途际遇;

    Based on history of the Ming Dynasty , the author studies the official career and experiences of Wei Xuezeng of Jingyang county .

  29. 举子求助僧人为自己的仕途铺路,僧人为士人预知未来前程。

    Candidates ask monks for help to pave the way for their own career , monk also predict the future for the scholars .

  30. 苏轼一生深受儒、释、道思想之影响,但其影响并非均衡而随着他的仕途际遇各有轻重之别。

    The life of Su Shi by the Confucianism thought influence , but the effect is not balanced with his career opportunity each weight .