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  1. 我们中国人习惯以姓相称。

    We Chinese are used to calling each other by surnames .

  2. 人们以姓这个姓而感到自豪,先生。

    It is a name , Sir , that a man is proud to recognise .

  3. 比如说,通常的通信录以姓的首字母的顺序记录联系人。

    As another example , take a contact list on a computer . The physical address book , for example , stores names in alphabetical order by last name .

  4. 经过介绍之后,对方可能会说:「请叫我Tom就好了。」否则,还是以他的姓称呼之。

    After an introduction , the person may say , for example , " Please call me Tom . " If not , use his or her surname .

  5. 」否则,还是以他的姓称呼之。

    If not , use his or her surname .

  6. 一项研究表明,1881年有3211人以Cock为姓,去年这个数字下降至785人;姓Balls(意思同Cock)的从2904人下降到了1299人,姓Deaths(死亡)的人由1133人降为605人。

    A study found the number of people with the name Cock shrank to 785 last year from 3211 in 1881 , those called Balls fell to 1299 from 2904 and the number of Deaths were reduced to 605 from 1133 .

  7. 是以约翰逊这个姓预订的。

    The reservation is under the name of Johnson .

  8. 印度这一地区的许多妇女以德维为姓。

    Many women in this part of India use Devi as their last name .

  9. 这也是唯一一张仍以她娘家姓注册的信用卡。

    This is also the only one that is still registered under her maiden name , lester .

  10. 神农又称炎帝,居于姜水流域,以姜为姓。

    Shen Nong , also called Yan Di , lived in the Jiang River valley and his surname was Jiang .

  11. 黄帝又称轩辕氏、有熊氏,居于姬水流域,以姬为姓。

    Huang Di , also called Xuan Yuan or You Xiong , lived in the Ji River valley , and his surname was Ji .

  12. 周文王的儿子贿受封于深(河南平舆县北),建沈国,其后以国名为姓。

    Zhouwen Wang 's son , bribe a glimpse at the depth ( Henan Pingyu County North ), built Shen , subsequently named the country name .

  13. 控件,然后添加代码以将名和姓组合成为一个全名。

    Controls for entering first and last names , and then adding code to combine them into a full name .