
  • 网络Ephesus;at Ephesus;Selcuk
  1. 走进以弗所的教会,就有这种感觉。

    So it was in Ephesus when people walked into church .

  2. 这正是以弗所教会的问题。

    That is what had happened to the church at Ephesus .

  3. 皇帝支持以弗所宗教会议,但教皇却拒绝承认它。

    The Emperor supported the synod , but the Pope repudiated it .

  4. 有一封冒保罗之名所写的书信是写给以弗所的。

    One of pseudo-Paul 's letters may have been addressed to Ephesus .

  5. 你感觉到了以弗所的情况有点紧张吗?

    Do you get the impression that things were tense in Ephesus ?

  6. 《以弗所书》的作者谴责这种语言。

    The writer to Ephesians condemns that kind of language .

  7. 正经中《歌罗西书》为什么排在《以弗所书》后面?

    Why does Colossians come after Ephesians in the Canon ?

  8. 但我要仍旧住在以弗所,直等到五旬节。

    But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost .

  9. 另一主要区别是,《歌罗西书》和《以弗所书》,是略高层次的基督论。

    Another major difference is Colossians and Ephesians have a slightly higher Christology .

  10. 现在争议最大的两封信,是《歌罗西书》和《以弗所书》

    The two that are the most debated probably now are Colossians and Ephesians .

  11. 他在以弗所怎样多多地服事我,是你明明知道的。

    You know very well in how many ways he helped me in Ephesus .

  12. 我已经打发推基古往以弗所去。

    And Tychicus have I sent to Ephesus .

  13. 保罗曾委派提摩太在以弗所教会中承担特别的事工。

    Paul had assigned Timothy to carry out special duties at the church in Ephesus .

  14. 这让很多学者认为,也许《以弗所书》是封通函。

    This has led some scholars to say maybe Ephesians was written as a circular letter .

  15. 丈夫、父亲、孩童、仆婢的义务,在《以弗所书》里;

    To husbands , fathers , children and servants , in the Epistle to the Ephesians ;

  16. 下一个讲道系列是以弗所书。请弟兄姐妹把以弗所书读一遍。

    The next preaching series is the book of Ephesians . Please read the book once .

  17. 特别是在以弗所的教会,更有很多忠心事主的信徒。

    There seems to have been some very faithful servants of Christ in the Ephesian church .

  18. 于是开船离了以弗所。

    And he sailed from Ephesus .

  19. 保罗说,那达不到标准的是以弗所信徒,也包括他自己和他的同工。

    Paul says the fallen ones are the Ephesian believers , including himself and his co-workers .

  20. 以弗所书4章2节-凡事谦虚、温柔、忍耐、用爱心互相宽容。

    Eph4:2 Be completely humble and gentle ; be patient , bearing with one another in love .

  21. 以弗所的贸易市场是世界上规模最大,影响最深的贸易市场之一。

    The commercial agora on Ephesus was one of the largest and most impressive in the world .

  22. 歌罗西书和以弗所书已经在家庭中,建立起明确的家长等级关系。

    Already in Colossians and Ephesians they set up the household in a clear hierarchical patriarchal situation .

  23. 据说他死后葬在以弗所,他的墓地成为朝圣地。

    He is said to have died in Ephesus , and his tomb became a site of pilgrimage .

  24. 生气却不要犯罪,不可含怒到日落。《以弗所书》(基督教)

    Be angry but do not sin ; do not let the sun go down on your anger .

  25. 第一,我说过《歌罗西书》和《以弗所书》都持实现的末世论;,保罗持未实现的末世论。

    Number one ,; I said Colossians and Ephesians both have realized eschatology ; Paul has reserved eschatology .

  26. 《以弗所书》是保罗另一门徒所写,用《歌罗西书》和保罗的信为模板。

    And Ephesians is written by another disciple of Paul using Colossians and Paul 's letters as models .

  27. 我为什么说《以弗所书》的作者另有其人,而不是同一个作者?

    Why do I say that Ephesians was written by a different author and not simply the same author ?

  28. 前往希腊以弗所市的游客会被领去参观为卖春活动做广告的古代涂鸦。

    Tourists to the ancient city of Ephesus , in Greece , will be shown ancient graffiti advertising prostitution .

  29. 保罗不允许以弗所的女人讲道是因为她们还没有足够的知识和属灵的经历。

    Paul did not want the Ephesian women to teach because they didn 't yet have enough knowledge or experience .

  30. 保罗从米利都打发人往以弗所去,请教会的长老来。

    Act20:17 From Miletus he sent messengers to Ephesus to ask the elders of the church to meet with him .