
  1. Web已演变为世界范围内的开放、高价值服务平台。

    The Web has turned into a worldwide landscape of open , high-value services .

  2. 基于价值服务工程的电力营销服务管理成本效益研究

    Cost-benefit study of power marketing service management based on value engineering service

  3. 价值服务战略的核心就是如何围绕这四种价值和价值体系采取服务战略,来努力实现图书馆价值的最大化。

    The focus of value service strategy is the maximization of the value of library .

  4. 对于国内大多数钢铁企业来讲,价值服务是舶来品,是新生事物。

    For most domestic steel enterprises , the value service is imported , as a new thing .

  5. 价值服务工程在我院医疗科室间考评中的应用

    Application of the Value and Service Engineering in Check and Review of the Treatment Depart-ments in Our Hospital

  6. 他们在建筑、法律、医药和会计等高技能和高价值服务行业的交易中占据绝对主导地位。

    They hugely dominate transactions in high-skill and high-value services in architecture , law , medicine , accounting and other professions .

  7. 其终极目标是为实现人的价值服务,为实现人的自由而全面发展服务。

    The ultimate goal of it is to serve for achieving the value of human beings and the freedom of human beings and all-sided development .

  8. “专业,诚信,高效”是我们一贯的经营理念,我们完善的生产销售体系和质量管理体系及专业化的技术将为您提供最有价值服务!

    We offer you the most valuable service with our constant management idea & Professional , Credit and Sufficiency , our complete sales system , quality management system and professional technology .

  9. 职业道德是以职业角色和职业行为为载体,为实现一定职业价值服务,协调个人、集体、社会关系为核心的高度社会化的职业行为准则和规范。

    Professional morality is based on professional part and professional part and professional trade serving for realizing a certain professional value and the highly socialized professional behavior principles and standards centered on coordinating personal , collective and social relations .

  10. 而森林资源资产交易的核心问题是森林资源资产价格的确定,为森林资源资产产权交易提供价值服务的森林资源资产评估工作的重要性日趋显著。

    The core problem of the forest resource asset trading is how to determine the price of forest resource asset , so that the appraisal of forest resource asset value that provides the value service for the property transaction of the forest resource asset is increasingly important .

  11. 不确定性风险广泛存在于价值服务项目中,加之企业缺乏技术服务项目管理经验,这就导致了大批企业在项目实施过程中发生项目失败或干脆中途废止。

    The risk of uncertainty widely exists in the value of the service project , coupled with the lack of technical service experience in project management , which led to a large number of enterprises in the project implementation process of project failure or simply midway abolished .

  12. Web服务的价值在于服务重用,Web服务组合正是主要的重用手段。

    The value of the Web service lies in service reuse , the Web service composition is exactly main reuse method .

  13. 然而随着更高价值的服务(例如,支付处理)的出现,对于一个能有效衡量由服务请求者调用的Web服务模型的需求也将不断增长。

    But as soon as services of higher value , such as payment-processing , become available , the need will arise for a model to efficiently measure web services invoked by service requesters .

  14. SOA安全性和管理&一个跨越性的场景,重点关注服务在运行时的管理和确保外部使用者对高价值业务服务的安全访问。

    SOA Security and Management & A cross-cutting scenario focusing on management of services at run time and ensuring secure external consumer access to high-value business services .

  15. 基于使用量、服务与内容价值、服务质量和服务水平的计费将逐步成为3G计费的主流。

    It will gradually become the mainstream of 3G billing which based on usage , service and content value , service quality and billing services .

  16. EPIA旨在通过整合光伏产业,推动提供独特而有价值的服务。

    EPIA 's mission is to deliver a distinct and valuable service driven from the strength of a single photovoltaic voice .

  17. INFJ对于成功的感觉是基于他们自身的认知和成就水平,他们对于其他人的价值和服务能力,以及他们的私人人际关系状况。

    An INFJ 's feeling of success is centered around their own level of understanding and accomplishment , their usefulness or service to others , and the condition of their personal relationships .

  18. 基于核心价值的服务创新型图书馆组织管理模式

    The Serving Innovative Library Organization Management Mode Based on Core Value

  19. 他生命的价值就是服务于他的主人。

    His value of life is to serve his master .

  20. 最后提出基于顾客价值的服务营销组合策略。

    Finally proposes based on the customer value service marketing combination strategy .

  21. 提供这样一个跨异构系统的有价值的服务需要各种标准。

    To provide such a valuable service across heterogeneous systems requires standards .

  22. 链条-对受肯定的,或价值重大服务的奖励。

    Chains - A reward for acceptable or weighty service .

  23. 公共性价值是服务型政府的灵魂和旨归。

    The public values are the soul and aims of the service-oriented government .

  24. 广州移动公司高价值客户服务水平诊断

    Diagnosis of the Guangzhou Mobile High-value Customers Service Levels

  25. 顾客感知价值对服务品牌忠诚的影响机理

    The Mechanism of Form of Customer Perceived Value on Service Industries ' Brands Loyal

  26. 你又如何?是不是有为自己所做的提供更高附加价值的服务?

    Are you providing some value added service ?

  27. 它们提供着有价值的服务,比如把资本从储户输送到企业家手中。

    They provide valuable services , such as channeling capital from savers to entrepreneurs .

  28. 沃尔玛一直致力于为顾客提供实实在在、贴近生活的卓越价值和服务。

    Wal-Mart is committed to delivering exceptional everyday value and service to our customers .

  29. 为客户,提供超越产品本身价值的服务,实现长期回报。

    Providing customers with service that exceeds its own value and realizing long-term returns .

  30. 高校图书馆重点用户价值及服务模式分析

    Research on the Value and Service Mode of the Important User in University Library