
píng jí
  • rate;grade
评级 [píng jí]
  • [rating] 根据某种调查表所载次目,逐项检查某人在这些方面的表现而得出的对这人的特性和品质(如兴趣、能力、态度或个性)所作的估计

评级[píng jí]
  1. 将近一半的网站没有通过,只有18%的网站获得了A或B的评级。

    Almost half of the sites didn 't get a passing grade and only 18 percent got an A or B.

  2. 大约一半以上的经济学家给财政部长评级为D级或F级。

    More than half of respondents gave the Treasury secretary a grade equivalent to a D or F.

  3. 这样做的成本很高(银行+存储费用)而且将降低你的信用评级。

    Doing so is costly ( bank + store fees ) and damages your credit rating .

  4. 在线评级的影响力非常大,以至于许多公司现在都聘请数字声誉经理,以确保它们线上的良好形象。

    So great is the influence of online ratings that many companies now hire digital reputation managers to ensure a favorable online identity .

  5. 专门针对酒店、餐厅、公寓和出租车的在线评级平台允许旅行者交流评论和体验,让所有人都能看到。

    Online rating platforms — specializing in hotels , restaurants , apartments , and taxis — allow travelers to exchange reviews and experiences for all to see .

  6. 这种影响不可夸大,获得最高评级的企业可以享受快速增长,因为新客户会被良好的评价所吸引,并随后提供更积极的反馈。

    The impact cannot be overstated Businesses that attract top ratings can enjoy rapid growth , as new customers are attracted by good reviews and subsequently provide yet more positive feedback .

  7. 即要在防范风险和营销客户之间寻求一种平衡,这对信用评级工作提出了更高的要求

    By the ranking of credit achieve to a balance between risks elusion and client exploitation .

  8. 研究显示,超过三分之一的消费者在网购前会查看相关产品的评级和评论。

    Research suggests that over a third of consumers regularly check ratings and reviews before they choose to buy something online .

  9. 国际评级机构惠誉18日发布的报告显示,天津化学品仓库8月12日爆炸导致的承保损失金额可能在10亿到15亿之间。

    The insured losses from a series of explosions at a chemical warehouse in Tianjin on Aug 12 are likely to range from $ 1 billion to $ 1.5 billion , Fitch Ratings said in a report on Tuesday .

  10. 伴随着中国加入WTO及经济全球化的进程,以及巴塞尔协议的要求,中国的商业银行逐步引入信用评级制度。

    With China accession WTO and economic globalization process and Basel requirements , China commercial banks gradually introduce credit rating system .

  11. 但《财富》杂志(Fortune)经回顾发现,标普和穆迪其实经常在主权信用评级上产生分歧。

    But a review by fortune shows that the two agencies regularly disagree over sovereign credit ratings .

  12. 该报告指出,中国98%的评级债券具有aa甚至更高的信用等级。

    It noted that 98 per cent of rate bonds are AA or higher .

  13. 市资信评级委员会授予“AAA企业”;

    The city capital letter rating committee awards " AAA enterprise ";

  14. 美联储主席本。伯南克的平均分数略为上升到72,但26%的给他评级为D或F级。

    Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke 's average grade rose slightly to a72 , but26 % gave him the equivalent of a D or F.

  15. 这五个州仍在当前拥有卓越AAA信用评级的15个州之列。

    The five are among the 15 states currently with stellar triple-A credit ratings .

  16. 到那时,AAA评级国家(甚至包括美国)可能会失去一切财政上的回旋余地。

    Then triple A-rated countries , including even the US , might lose all fiscal headroom .

  17. 但并非所有预言都很惨淡:立法者现正采取全面的解决途径,应对过度依赖外部评级的问题巴塞尔协议iii是佐证。

    But not all the augeries are bleak : regulators are now taking a comprehensive approach to over-reliance on external ratings witness Basel III rules .

  18. 为了获得这种评级,efsf被迫同意提供超额抵押。

    To obtain the rating , the EFSF had to agree to an over-collateralisation .

  19. 众多知名的评级机构也对寿险公司使用的ALM技术显示出日益浓厚的兴趣。

    Many rating agencies also have shown increasing interest in ALM of life insurance companies .

  20. 单一险种业务依赖于保险商(通常拥有较高评级)为市政债券或者抵押支持证券等资产的本息支付提供担保,该过程被称为信用打包(creditwrapping)。

    The business relies on the insurers , usually highly-rated , guaranteeing payouts from assets such as municipal bonds or mortgage-backed securities , in a process known as credit wrapping .

  21. SEC称,2009年,(该公司)一位分析师参与至少17家不同的发行者的评级,而他本人就持有这些发行者发行的证券。

    In 2009 , the SEC alleged , one analyst helped rate at least 17 different issuers while owning the securities of those issuers .

  22. 加入WTO,发达国家强烈的信用意识将对中国这个落后100多年的尚没有形成行业的个人资信评级市场提出巨大的挑战。

    After entering WTO , the strong credit sense of developed countries will have a big challenge to china which has dropped behind for more than 100 years in the development of personal credit scoring market .

  23. 信用风险的内部评级法(IRB)是巴塞尔新资本协议的核心内容。

    Internal Rating-Based Approach ( IRB ) is the core content of the New Basel Capital Accord .

  24. 美国、法国和英国均在过去数年失去了AAA评级。

    The US , France and the UK are among countries that have lost their triple A status in the past few years .

  25. 丧失AAA评级的国家通常在9-15年内重获该评级,但日本没有做到。

    Japan did not regain its AAA rating in the nine to 15 year period typical of other countries that lost AAA ratings .

  26. 对自1997年至今每2a进行一次的湖南省科技期刊审读评级的情况作了总结、分析。

    The results of the biyearly perusal and grading among science and technology periodicals in Hunan Province since 1997 are analyzed and summarized .

  27. 美国和日本的情况相似,日本也有一套结构性机制,使其在丧失AAA评级后仍然能使国债收益率维持在低位。

    It 's akin to Japan , which also had a structural mechanism that kept rates low even after the country lost its AAA rating .

  28. 全球金融危机期间美国国际集团(AIG)评级遭下调,就是评级决定引发真实灾难性影响的一个典型。

    The decision to downgrade AIG ( AIG ) amid the financial crisis is a perfect example of a rating action having a real and disastrous impact .

  29. 标准普尔(S&P)昨日将复星国际(FosunInternational)的评级展望从BB-下调至负面,这表明就连各评级机构也无法就债务驱动的并购热潮的风险形成共识。

    S & P yesterday lowered its outlook on Fosun International 's BB-minus rating to negative , illustrating that even rating agencies cannot agree on the risks of a debt-fuelled deal spree .

  30. 而现今流行的多目标进化算法中大多是基于Pareto支配关系,使用各种Pareto评级方式来改进每一代的种群个体,使其最终收敛于Pareto前沿。

    The latest popular MOEAs are mostly based on Pareto dominance relation-ship , use various Pareto-ranking methods to improve individuals in every generation , finally make them be convergent to Pareto front .