
pínɡ dìnɡ fǎ
  • Evaluation method;rating method
  1. 结果心理量表的技术发展有3条线索,一是评定法、二是作业量表法、三是问卷法。

    Results There are three clews in psychometric technique development : Rating method , performance scaling and survey method .

  2. 用Fuzzy综合评定法选择标枪运动训练的最佳手段

    Selecting the Best Way for Javelin Training by Fuzzy Evaluation

  3. 微型营养评定法(MNA)在老年住院患者中应用的探讨

    Reliability of the mini nutritional assessment ( mna ) in elderly patients

  4. 方法:利用汉语版的西方失语症成套测验和波士顿诊断性失语症检查法、综合功能评定法(CFE)、其他认知能力评定法以及CT、MRI、SPECT等对纯失读症患者进行分析。

    Method : To assess the linguistic and cognitive capacities by Chinese modified WAB , BDAE and CFE ; CT , MRI and SPECT were used to evaluate the imaging characteristics .

  5. 综合功能评定法(CFE)的研究:(二)正常值初步报告

    Preliminary Report on Comprehensive Function Evaluation

  6. Scoville感官评定法测定辣椒辣度

    Determination of chilies pungency with scoville sensory evaluation method

  7. 据此,本文首先确定了一套较为完整的评价指标体系,利用层次分析法和模糊综合评定法,建立了结合层次分析法(AHP)的模糊综合评价模型;

    With this data , the model based on AHP to solve the public traffic system with fuzzy synthesis evaluation methods was designed after have created a series of index system of public traffic system evaluation .

  8. 治疗前后分别填写改良的下腰痛评分法(JOA)及视觉模拟定级(VAS)评定法表格。

    Before and after treatment were fill in improved low back pain score method ( JOA ) and visual simulation grading ( VAS ) evaluation method form .

  9. 简易营养评定法(CNA)被采用的最多,占一半以上,其次为人体组成评定法(BCA)和主观全面评定法(SGA)。

    More than half of the authors used concise nutrition assessment ( CNA ) . Body composition assessment ( BCA ) and subjective global assessment ( SGA ) were also used in these studies .

  10. 证明了直线度误差最小区域评定法的目标函数是一维欧式空间R1中的连续、不可微的凸函数,从而证明了目标函数的全局极小值是唯一的。

    It is proved that the objective function for straightness error by minimum zone evaluation is a continuous and non-differentiable and convex one defined in one-dimensional Euclidean space R. Therefore , the uniqueness of its global optimum is proved .

  11. 微型营养评定法在恶性肿瘤病人中的应用

    Measurement of nutritional status in oncological patients by mini nutritional assessment

  12. 气相色谱法测定甲苯含量扩展不确定度的简化评定法

    Simplified Evaluation on The Expanded Uncertainty of Toluene by Gas Chromatography

  13. 切削特征量影响因素显著性的粗糙集评定法

    Rough Set Criterion of Significance of Influence Factors to Cutting Characteristic Functions

  14. 150例肠外营养疗效的记分评定法

    Evaluation of parenteral nutrition by score-counting method in 150 cases

  15. 成长记录袋评定法应用于医学教育的理论探讨

    Application of the Portfolio Assessment to Medical Education in China

  16. 残疾儿童综合功能评定法的研究:(一)设计

    Research on Comprehensive Function Assessment for Disabled Children : Part I Design

  17. 我国会计师执业问题探析公共交通服务质量的模糊评定法

    A Fuzzy Evalution Method for Measuring the Quality of Public Transport Service

  18. 技术方法:分定级和估价两部分、结合数理统计技术和计算机技术展开研究。定级方法有:多因素综合评定法、限制因素法、样地法和修正法。

    Method : the statistical technique and computer technique .

  19. 铝基牺牲阳极溶解性能电化学评定法的研究

    Electrochemical evaluation of dissolved characteristics of Al basic sacrificial anodes in sea water

  20. 微型营养评定法在老年人肺部疾病中的应用

    The use of mini nutritional assessment in the elderly patients of pulmonary diseases

  21. 长度动态测量不确定度的序列评定法

    Sequence method of expressing uncertainty in dynamic length measuring

  22. 圆度误差的最小二乘评定法的新计算方法

    A New Calculating Method on Evaluating of the Least-square about the Circularity Error

  23. 在体育课评分中运用黑尔指数评定法的尝试

    An Experiment of Applying " Heier Index Valuation " in Sports Class Grading

  24. 平面内直线度的两端点、最小二乘综合评定法

    The Integrated Evaluating Method of Line-error in Plane by Two-endpoint and Least Square Method

  25. 全面提高课堂教学质量的好方法&教学质量的量化评定法

    A Good Way to Improve Class Teaching Quality

  26. 座标综合评定法的改进及应用

    Improvement and Application on the Coordinates Evaluation Model

  27. 教学实习成绩的三级综合评定法

    The three grades ' synthetical assessment method of students ' score in teaching practice

  28. 目的确定综合功能评定法的正常值。

    ObjectiveTo determine the normal values of the Comprehensive Function Assessment for Disabled Children .

  29. 地震危险性分析的综合评定法

    The Overall Merits in the Seismic Risk Analysis

  30. 计算机人才培养的评估体系研究&档案袋评定法

    The Research of the Evaluation System of Computer Talents & the Portfolio Assessment Method