- 名taxes not included in the quoted prices

The Economic Attribute of the Price Excluding Tax in Value-added Tax
As a price excluding tax , value-added tax is calculated in two ways in financial evaluation .
Although price excluding tax is implemented for current value-added tax in our country , we can 't conclude that the tax is separated from price .
Therefore , the author makes suggestions on regulating price for tax assessment and levy process of some consumables according to the related regulations of value-added tax and further transforming tax included in price into tax excluded in price .
In order to prevent the loss of tax income and increase consumption tax 's function of adjustment functions , it is essential to change the links of paying taxes from productive link to retail link to standard the basis of calculation tax .
Based on the essence that the tax revenue according to the value of social products , the price excluding tax is only an easy tax method collected for the value-added tax , not changing the economic attribute of that , the tax is included in the price .