
  • 网络Price Tolerance
  1. 顾客满意对价格容忍度的影响研究

    Research on the Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Price Tolerance

  2. 实证研究表明,顾客满意、产品质量和服务质量对价格容忍度均有显著的正向影响;品牌的服务质量越高,顾客满意对价格容忍度的影响越大。

    The empirical study shows that customer satisfaction , product quality and service quality all play an obviously positive impact on price tolerance and the higher the service quality , the higher influence customer satisfaction will play on price tolerance .

  3. 中国消费者价格容忍度的特点

    Characteristics of Chinese Customers ' Price Tolerance

  4. 本文从顾客价格容忍度的角度研究顾客满意为企业带来的效益,并进一步比较不同品牌的产品,顾客满意对价格容忍度影响的差异。

    For the perspective of customers ' price tolerance , this paper studies the benefit customer satisfaction will create for the enterprise and takes a step further to compare the different influences of customer satisfaction on price tolerance in terms of products of different brands .