
  • 网络task performance
  1. H机构当前的绩效考评以对任务绩效的量化考核为主,情境绩效相对缺失,但情境绩效对整体绩效有着重要影响。

    The current performance evaluation in H agencies is totally quantitative assessment of the task performance , and the Contextual performance is neglected . However , the contextual performance plays an important role in overall performance .

  2. 关键绩效指标(KPI)是一些业务衡量指标,Lombardi将在运行时跟踪这些指标,存储可用于在Optimizer中分析流程和任务绩效的结果。

    Key performance indicators ( KPIs ) are business measurements that Lombardi tracks at runtime , storing results that you can use to analyze process and task performance in the Optimizer .

  3. 而任务绩效和组织利益的风险考量对领导授权行为的负向影响也会受到LMX关系的强化,风险较大时LMX关系能够缓解这种负向作用。

    The negative effects between the task performance risk consideration , organizational benefit risk consideration and delegation behavior were also enhanced by the LMX relationship .

  4. 因此,本研究引入个人-组织价值观匹配度作为中介变量,来研究绩效薪酬、组织公民行为(OCB)和任务绩效之间的关系。

    Therefore , this research introduces the match degree of person-organization values as an intervening variable to study the relation among Performance-based Pay , Organizational Citizenship Behavior ( OCB ) and employees ' task performance .

  5. 目标设置与任务绩效的关系研究

    Research into the relation between goal - setting and task performance

  6. 数据-笔墨比率对过程监控任务绩效的影响

    The Effect of Data-ink Ratio on Performance in a Process-Monitoring Task

  7. 核心自我评价对关系绩效的作用要大于其对任务绩效的作用。

    Core self-evaluations are power predicts of job performance beyond demographics variables .

  8. 员工组织支持感对周边绩效的预测力要高于对任务绩效的预测力。

    Perceived organizational support can forecast contextual performance higher than task performance .

  9. 竞争与组合对知觉任务绩效的影响

    Effects of Competition and Combination on Performance of Perceptual Task

  10. 心理资本的自信、希望、韧性维度对任务绩效具有正向影响。

    Efficacy , hope and resilience have positive impacts on task performance .

  11. 在当今社会中,周边绩效比任务绩效更重要。

    Contextual performance is more important than task performance in current society .

  12. 组织认同对于任务绩效、周边绩效均具有正向作用。

    Organizational identification has a positive impact on task performance and contextual performance .

  13. 关系绩效与任务绩效有较高的相关。

    Contextual performance has high relation with task performance .

  14. 组织内信任对任务绩效的影响效应

    How does Trust in Organizations Benefit Task Performance

  15. 创业精神中的自主性对周边绩效有显著影响,而风险规避对任务绩效有显著影响。

    The autonomy affects highly contextual performance , while risk avoidance influences task performance .

  16. 团队效能量表同样具有良好的结构效度,可以分为任务绩效和周边绩效两个维度。

    The team effectiveness questionnaire could be divided into task performance and contextual performance .

  17. 研究中的后果变量包括心理健康、离职意向和工作绩效(工作奉献、任务绩效和人际促进)。

    The outcome varibles include mental health , intention to quit and job performance .

  18. 特别是对其中的任务绩效,自我效能发挥着完全中介的作用。

    Especially to include task performance , Self-efficacy is a hundred-percent mediator . 2 .

  19. 因此,组织公平感各维度都对任务绩效有显著的正向影响。

    Therefore , all dimensions of organizational justice have significant positive impact on task performance .

  20. 第五,组织承诺各因子与任务绩效、周边绩效和工作绩效间均有线性关系,但是只有条件承诺、关系承诺和责任承诺对任务绩效具有预测作用,而对周边绩效没有预测作用。

    Finally , condition commitment , continuance commitment and obligate commitment only forecast task performance .

  21. 与预测任务绩效相比,工作满意度更加易于预测周边绩效。

    It is more easy to predict contextual performance than task performance use job satisfaction .

  22. 科研绩效的构成包括科研任务绩效、科研奉献绩效、科研人际奉献绩效这三个维度。

    Scientific research performance is composed of task performance , dedicated performance and interpersonal dedicated performance .

  23. 工作满意度对周边绩效的正面影响要大于对任务绩效的正面影响。

    Fifth , job satisfaction has more positive influence on contextual performance than on task performance .

  24. 教师工作绩效包括两个一级维度行为维度和结果任务绩效。

    Teachers ' job performance including two level behavior dimension and the results dimensions task performance .

  25. 在工作绩效各构面上,周边绩效显著高于任务绩效。

    At all levels of work performance , contextual performance is significantly higher than task performance .

  26. 同时研究了各层次组织公民行为对员工任务绩效的影响。

    It also studies different effects that OCB in different level has on employees ' task performance .

  27. 组织支持感与团队效能及其子维度周边绩效、任务绩效之间存在显著正相关。

    Perceived organizational support is positively correlate to team effectiveness its sub-dimension contextual performance and task performance .

  28. 大五因素能有效地预测周边绩效,但并不是所有的个性因素都能预测任务绩效;

    It seems that these five factors are better predictors to contextual performance than to task performance .

  29. 对绩效的预测不完整&更多关注的是成就目标定向对任务绩效的影响,对绩效中周边绩效的预测和影响研究较少;

    The prediction of performance is incomplete - The prediction and influence of contextual performance are studied less ;

  30. 同时,研究还发现,工作绩效中的工作奉献、任务绩效、人际促进维度都对组织气氛具有一定的影响作用。

    We also found that work dedication , task performance , relationship facilitation had effect on organizational climate .