
  1. 中国电影创始人&任庆泰

    Ren Qingtai : the Founder of Chinese Cinema

  2. 任庆泰(1850?1932)

    Ren Qingtai ( 1850 ~ 1932 )

  3. 任庆泰是中国电影第一人,因此被称为“中国电影之父”。

    He was the first Chinese filmmaker , so he was called the " Father of Chinese Film . "

  4. 在此期间,电影导演任庆泰也把他的百货公司改建成了大观楼影戏园,后来成为仅放电影的第一个中国电影院。

    During this period , the filmmaker Ren Qingtai changed his department store into a cinema named Daguanlou Theatre which became the first Chinese cinema only showing films .

  5. 任庆泰青年时在日本学习过照相技术,1892年在北京开设第一家照相馆——丰泰照相馆。

    Ren Qingtai went to Japan to learn photography when he was young and then launched the first photograph studio , " Fengtai Photo Studio " in Beijing , 1892 .

  6. 尽管当时任庆泰在中国不是学照相的,但由于受他成长的中国北方环境的影响下,他决定学习照相技术,在中国开设自己的照相馆。

    Although Ren Qingtai did not learnphotography in China , the motivation for him to learn the skill and to open his own photograph studio in China was drawn from the environment in north China where he grew up .

  7. 另一个原因与当时日本的发展有关。在1874年明治维新后的20多年里,日本成为经济和军事强国,因此,任庆泰便到日本学习西方照相技术。

    Another factor was related to the development of Japan which became an e-conomical and military empire in the following two decades since the Meiji Reform began in 1874 . Therefore , Ren Qingtai traveled to Japan to learn Western photography .