
  • 网络Empress Ren
  1. 这只软体动物出生于1499年——它出生的时间比哥伦布发现美洲大陆只晚了七年,甚至在英国国王亨利八世与第一任皇后阿拉贡的凯瑟琳成婚(1509年)之前。

    The mollusc was born in 1499 - just seven years after Columbus discovered America and before Henry VIII had even married his first wife , Catherine of Aragon in 1509 .

  2. 这只软体动物出生于1499年&它出生的时间比哥伦布发现美洲大陆只晚了七年,甚至在英国国王亨利八世与第一任皇后阿拉贡的凯瑟琳成婚(1509年)之前。

    The mollusc was born in 1499 – just seven years after Columbus discovered America and before Henry VIII had even married his first wife , Catherine of Aragon in 1509 .